March 12, 2025

How to Rescue Your Surprise Baby bonus

Bonus scene cover

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Chapter 1: Just A Butler-ful Day

(Telos and Mav get used to living with TWO butlers. Mav is Not Happy.)

Hilly-Billy danced into the kitchen of Mav’s lair, his heart singing. “Ah, Butler Brother!”

Hadley pretended to curtsey. “Good morning, Butler Brother!”

“What shall we do today?”

They stared at each other gleefully. It was rare that two butlers got to serve in the same household, since their services were not cheap. They had discussed this outcome, of course; everyone knew that Telos and Mav would eventually get together.

But now that they were, the possibilities for mischief were endless.

“We could spike their coffee,” Hadley said.

“We could spice up their donuts,” Hilly-Billy suggested.

“We could put a singing charm in their underwear.”

“We could record their moaning and groaning and make a song with it.”

Identical grins spread across their faces. Hadley pulled out a sheath of papers. “I’ve always thought about doing that myself, but it will be much more effective with two of us.”

They high-fived, then turned around and bumped butts just because they could.


When Telos and Mav sat down to breakfast a week later, Hilly-Billy and Hadley eyed each other across the dining room.

Telos took a sip of his coffee, then opened his mouth.

“Why, hello, Mav,” Hilly-Billy said, his voice almost identical to Telos’. “Thank you for all that screaming last night. My butthole is very happy.”

Telos turned, scowling at Hilly-Billy. “What the hell?”

“It wasn’t hell; it was heaven, my amazing Telos-sugarbutt,” Hadley said, his voice changed to mimic Mav’s. “My love rod achieved enlightenment in the embrace of your manly cave.”

Mav narrowed his eyes, turning to stare dangerously at Hadley. “Stop that.”

“My handsome Lord Mav,” Hilly-Billy continued in his Telos-voice. “We should feast on our amazing breakfast that will fill up our stomachs. Then we’ll have the energy to bump our bellies and our buttholes together.”

Mav stood up, prowling dangerously toward Hilly-Billy. Hilly-Billy grinned and slipped away from his grasping fingers.

Before either of their employers could do anything, Hadley hit Play on his phone.

A series of moans and groans filled the kitchen. Both Mav and Telos froze.

The song they’d put together was made up of moaned words stitched together on the computer. So it was choppy, but Hadley had attached some background music to hold it all together.

Ah, Telos,” sang Mav in the song. “Your sweet hole completes me.

“I said no such thing,” real-Mav growled, whirling around to face Hadley.

“You said those words in other sentences,” Hadley said smugly. “We rearranged them.”

Oh, oh, fuck, Mav,” moaned Telos in the song. “Right there, right here, I can feel you, you’re so near.

“See, it rhymes!” Hilly-Billy said delightedly.

Some squeaking sounded in the background of the song—from the shopping carts.

As one, Hadley and Hilly-Billy sang along to the next lines.

You are my one cocky-dock! You are my one lonely sock!

When I’m with you, my body comes a lot!

Telos and Mav stared at each other, horror written plainly across their faces.

“I have no memory of saying most of those words,” Telos whispered.

“Me neither,” Mav admitted. “But it sounded like you were coming too hard.”

“Which no one is supposed to make recordings of.”

They turned to pin Hadley and Hilly-Billy with their stares. Hilly-Billy grabbed Hadley. Right as their bosses lunged at them, Hilly-Billy threw Hadley out of the dining room, at the same time shifting into a small monkey and holding on tight to his brother’s pantleg.

“You’re not getting away with this,” Mav yelled after them.


They gave Telos and Mav a few days to think it was all over.

When the pair came entered the dining room and sat down without any suspicion, Hadley gave Hilly-Billy a thumbs up.

They served the waffles that Cook made. On top of each waffle was a little rectangular crepe filled with words—written in chocolate frosting.

On Mav’s:

Dear Mavvie Cocky Bird, you are my forever dickshine and I want to show you how your love cucumber makes my heart boner squirt.

On Telos’:

Telos, my wriggly tentacle, tonight we shall both dance under the moonlight and mate like two tentacles in the deep ocean. We will wave our love muscles and exchange creamy promises with our other lips.

Telos crowed with delight at his pickup line. Mav grimaced.

“What ‘other lips’?” Mav muttered.

“Maybe they mean your buttcheeks,” Telos said, wriggling his eyebrows. “Are you ready for your buttlips to be crowned by my love juices?”

Mav cringed. “Not if you’re going to put it like that.”

“Are you prepared for my creamy sauce to fill you like a jello donut?”

Mav groaned. “Are you trying to turn me off?

Just outside the dining room, Hadley and Hilly-Billy were busy typing into their phones.

“Did you get all of it?” Hadley whispered.

“Yeah, this is going into the annals of their relationship memoir, along with all the pining looks Telos has given Mav over the decades,” Hilly-Billy answered.

Telos whipped his head around. “Did you take pictures of me looking at Mav?!”

“So many,” Hilly-Billy said sagely. “You had your sappy pining face, your sad pining face, your horny pining face…”

Mav was looking at Telos intently now. Hadley took another photo.

“Actually,” Mav said. “I want to see those photos.”

“No,” Telos squawked, jumping in front of Mav. “They’re embarrassing!”

Mav wrapped his arms around Telos. “They’re not. I want to see how much you wanted me, even before I knew.”

Hadley rubbed his arms gleefully. “Are you ready for it? It’s a lot of photos.”

“Yes.” Mav straightened his shoulders.

“Nooo,” Telos groaned.

Hadley and Hilly-Billy were already loading the boxes and boxes of photos into the carts so they could bring them to their masters.

“Holy crap,” Mav breathed.

“You guys are fucking creeps,” Telos muttered. “You don’t need that many pictures of my face!”

“Dragon Master does,” Hadley pointed out.

Hilly-Billy and Hadley watched with bated breath as Mav pulled out photo after photo, his gaze filled with awe. Telos sat next to him and rocked back and forth, covering his face.

“I think now would be a good time,” Hadley whispered to Hilly-Billy.

Hilly-Billy nodded.

Telos peeked from a crack between his fingers. “Good time for what?”

“This!” Hilly-Billy pushed a button on his phone.

Immediately, the charms in Telos and Mav’s underwear activated. In perfect harmony, Hilly-Billy and Hadley’s voices burst from their nether regions.

Holy dicks, merry dicks,

‘Tis the season for giving

Fountains of jizz

Telos groaned and laughed. Mav rolled his eyes, but he threw Telos over his shoulder, grabbed a box of photos, and headed for the master bedroom.

Hilly-Billy and Hadley exchanged a high-five, then a butt-five.

“We’re the best butlers ever,” Hadley said.

Hilly-Billy could only agree.

Chapter 2: Telos The Ptero-Dc*k-Tyl Tops Mav

“So, Mav. Are your buttlips ready?” Telos was wearing the smuggest grin on his face, and Mav could only sigh.

Maybe he’d been infected by Telos’ insanity. But… “Yeah. I guess they are.”

His mate crowed in victory. Telos leaped onto their bed in all his naked glory, still in his human shape for now. “I’ll give you my pterodactyl dick first. Pterodicktyl dick. How do you feel about that?”

Mav lay back on their well-used bed, letting Telos ogle every inch of his skin. “We have been prepping me for weeks.”

Telos smirked lecherously. “We have. I enjoy stuffing your butthole a lot.”

“Not as much as I enjoy stuffing yours.”

Telos sank to his knees, grasping Mav’s legs and shoving them apart, making a space for himself between Mav’s thighs. In this position, Mav felt vulnerable—Telos had full access to everything between his legs. But Telos had also bottomed for him countless times by this point. Mav thought it was only fair for their positions to be reversed.

“Mmm.” Telos gripped Mav’s cock and balls with his hands, squeezing them. “I like what you’ve got here.”

“Want to be filled?”

“Maybe later.” Telos released him, dragging his callused hands down the creases of Mav’s thighs, gripping his asscheeks. He spread them apart to reveal Mav’s hole—this was a sensation that Mav had been getting used to over the past weeks. His body didn’t adjust to change as quickly as Telos’ did; twice a week, he practiced taking bigger and bigger things.

Until now. Mav thought he was finally ready for Telos’ cock.

Telos slipped his thumbs between Mav’s cheeks, sliding them closer and closer to his hole. Then he rubbed the bundle of nerves, and Mav gasped. “Feel me here? This is where I’m going to open you up. Fill you with my cock.”

“Mm. Okay.” Mav spread his legs wider, trusting Telos not to hurt him.

Telos grabbed Mav’s hips and turned him onto all fours. He pressed kisses to Mav’s cheeks, then spread them and kissed his hole. “Here,” he said, his hot breath on Mav’s skin. And his tongue flicked out, a damp, light touch.

Mav jerked, clenching when Telos began licking him there. Telos’ tongue went up and down, pushing harder against Mav’s opening until he squirmed, and it slid into him.

“Fuck,” Mav hissed.

“So tight for me.” Telos pushed a slick finger into him, then another, both of them searching out his prostate. The moment he found it, he began to push and stroke, working Mav until Mav groaned and rocked back against him.

Yeah, it did feel good. He didn’t like ceding control, though, so it wasn’t as good as when he was on top. Telos was enjoying himself, his cock already hard between his legs.

“C’mon. Harder,” Mav said.

“Yeah. Good.” Telos began to pump his fingers inside, flicking his tongue against Mav’s rim. Then he wrapped his other hand around Mav’s cock and stroked him with slow, firm strokes. “I feel like I’m milking a cow.”

“Damn it,” Mav muttered. “Let’s not bring cows into this.”

“You’re going to give me cream, though.” Telos pushed a third slick finger in so Mav swore, his cock filling up. “I suspect that dragon cum would sell for a lot, elsewhere.”

“We’re not selling it,” Mav growled.

“No, we’re not.” Telos angled Mav’s cock backward and licked his head. Pleasure jolted down Mav’s spine; he arched and dug his fingers into the bed. Telos wrapped his hot mouth around Mav and began to suck, at the same time he fucked his fingers into Mav’s hole.

“Fuck,” Mav hissed, growing hard. His prostate grew more sensitive, too. Telos began to massage it firmly, until Mav panted and leaked onto Telos’ tongue, his thighs trembling.

“Yeah, I thought you might like this,” Telos said around his cock.

Then he pushed a fourth finger in, and Mav cried out, his cock aching with how hard it was. Telos squirted a long stream of lube into Mav’s hole and spread it around inside.

“I think you’re ready.”


Telos sucked on him, then pulled off slowly, flicking his tongue into Mav’s slit briefly. And now Mav’s cock was bare, cool air skimming over his damp skin.

“Get back in there,” Mav muttered.

Telos’ grin was obvious in his tone. “I’m going to shift now. Behold my prehistoric cock.”

Mav looked over his shoulder. Telos shifted into a large green pterodactyl, the one with the same wingspan as Mav’s dragon form. What Mav had never seen before, though, was the thick pink cock jutting up from between Telos’ legs. It was blunt at the tip, growing thicker toward the base. Three ridges ran from his base to his tip, smooth and almost blending into the rest of his cock.

“No balls?” Mav asked.

“They’re inside my body,” Telos said primly, before pushing his wet length between Mav’s cheeks. “I made it smaller than my human cock, so consider this prep.”

It spoke of Mav’s insanity, that he didn’t even balk at this. Instead, he reached behind and pulled open his cheeks. “Here.”

“Fuck.” Telos groaned and rutted against his hole. His paws weren’t much help in bed. But with Mav’s fingers angling him down, Telos’ tip caught against Mav’s entrance, and he pushed in.

The stretch was… good. He felt full. Telos spurted precum into Mav and slid all the way in, both of them groaning.

“Oh, gods,” Telos panted when he was fully buried inside Mav.

“What?” Mav gasped.

“We’re making our very own dino porn.” Telos laughed. Then he pulled back halfway, and thrust deep. He hit Mav’s prostate; Mav’s precum shot all over the bed.


“Do you like it?” Telos purred, thrusting in again. “Do you like my dino cock?”

“Fuck.” Mav groaned. “Yeah. It feels good.”

“Good.” Telos thrust in harder, nailing his prostate again. “You’re losing your virginity to a pterodactyl.”

“I’m not even mad,” Mav panted into the sheets.

There was a dinosaur inside him, and all he did was spread his legs wider.

Telos began to slam into him. His movements were jerky and uneven; this wasn’t something he did a lot in this shape. But from the way he groaned, it felt just as good for him. “You’re tight around me. Now it’s you trying to suck down my cum. I have so much of it for you.”

“Human or pterodactyl?”

“Human.” Telos pushed all the way into Mav and held himself inside, letting Mav adjust to his size. He wrapped his wings around Mav and nuzzled the back of Mav’s head with his beak.

Then, Telos pulled out.

He shifted back into a man. When he wrapped his arm around Mav’s waist, Mav felt his hot length—bigger than how big he’d let his pterodactyl cock be.

“This is my true size,” Telos whispered into Mav’s ear, his chest pressed snug against Mav’s back. “I’ve been dreaming of this. Stretching your tight, virgin hole with my cock.”

Mav’s breath rushed out. “Get on with it.”

Telos huffed. “You just want it back inside, pounding you loose.”

Mav didn’t disagree. Telos leaned away to press his tip into Mav’s hole. He was big. Gods, he was big.

“Tell me if it hurts,” Telos murmured. Then he pushed inside, inch after inch stretching Mav wide open.

Mav swore. “Doesn’t hurt.” He jerked when Telos ground against his prostate; Telos stopped moving, leaving that pressure against Mav’s sensitive spot.


“You’re right there,” Mav hissed. “There.

“Here?” Telos rolled his hips, and shoved against Mav’s prostate again.

Mav’s eyes rolled back. “Fuck!”

Oh.” Telos sounded so pleased. “There we go.”

He wasn’t fully inside. But he began to thrust in and out, angling himself to hit Mav’s prostate on every thrust. Mav wheezed, pleasure soaking into his body.

Telos began to thrust harder. Mav didn’t think there could be more pleasure, until Telos began to fuck him like an alpha intent on claiming, and Mav’s insides turned molten.

The moment Telos stroked Mav’s cock and hit his prostate, Mav came. He couldn’t think. Could only breathe. But Telos didn’t stop. He fucked Mav through that orgasm, harder and harder until Mav shook in his arms, his cock still hard and dripping with cum.

“I want to knot you,” Telos panted against his neck. “You feel so good wrapped around me. I want to give you my knot, fill you up with cum.”

“Yeah, do it,” Mav groaned.

Telos swore. He went faster, harder, his cock pistoning inside Mav’s ass, striking his prostate so many times that Mav fucking drooled from his mouth and his cock, all over the bed.

“Come inside me,” Mav hissed.

Telos snarled, his strokes turning short and desperate. His cock swelled. Then he came, burying every inch of himself as his cum jetted deep into Mav’s body.

At the base of his cock, his knot swelled, stretching Mav even further so it pressed against his prostate and didn’t let up.

“Fuck,” Mav panted. “I—I see why you can’t—can’t stop begging for my knot.”

“Yeah?” Telos growled. And he rolled his hips, shoving his knot repeatedly against Mav’s prostate until Mav’s eyes rolled back, and cum tore out of him a second time.

Telos held him down and rode him harder, pushing him into a third orgasm, then a fourth.

“Fuck,” Mav wheezed, his entire body trembling beyond his control. “T-that’s enough. Holy fuck.”

“Mmm.” Telos eased up on him, rolling them onto their sides. They were a sweaty mess now, and Mav did not care. He felt as though Telos had fucked his brains out of his body, his balls so empty that he needed to sleep for a week.

Telos chuckled and snuggled against him.

“Fuck,” Mav said again when he’d scraped up the remaining bits of his mind some time later.

Telos laughed. “So, would you do this again?”

“Maybe. I want to do that to you. Take you apart, make you shudder and scream. Gods, that was good.”

“Mmm. Maybe tomorrow,” Telos said drowsily. “I’m glad we invested in some waterproof sheet protectors. No more soggy lake in the middle of the bed.”

“You mean, after we get up and toss the sheet protector aside,” Mav said dryly. “There’s still a lake of cum right here.”

“Mmm. Well, you’re closer to it. Not my problem.” Telos snickered into Mav’s shoulder.

“It’ll be your problem when I dump you in it.”

“I’m so scared. Maybe when your limbs are working again.” Telos reached over Mav, dipped a finger into Mav’s cum, and poked Mav in the chest with it.

“Asshole,” Mav said.

“Well, if I write my name on your chest with your cum, then it becomes romantic. Hey, what if I write it around your hole?”

Mav snorted. “Do what you want. I’m going to sleep.”

“Mm. Maybe later.” Telos wrapped himself more snugly around Mav. Within moments, his breathing evened out in Mav’s ear.

Mav leaned into his mate, a smile on his lips. They could save the rest of their bantering for tomorrow. Right now, sleep sounded really good.

If you haven’t read How to Rescue Your Surprise Baby, grab it here!