March 14, 2025

Emmy outtakes 1 & 2

Outtakes cover

To download the outtakes:
Mobi and Epub formats available here!

Emmy’s Outtakes

#1 – An Emmy Bus Ride

Emmy squeezed his way onto the crowded bus, dropping his coins into the collection box. The bus was so crowded! If only the banana muffin were here.

He shoved his way between other people, his attention snagging onto a pink book someone was reading. A Daddy for the Stowaway Omega!

“That is the best book!” Emmy exclaimed excitedly. “I will borrow this and return it to you!”

He freed it from its very surprised owner and raised the book high above his head. “Everybody, look! This book is full of tentacles and banana muffins! You have to buy it and read it! It has helicoptering dicks!”

His shouting must’ve worked; people were looking up. He held the book in front of their faces. “A Daddy,” he told them loudly. “For the Stowaway Omega! Buy it! You will be amazed!”

He squeezed his way down the crowded aisle and showed its cover to every single person who looked up.

Then he made his way down the other side of the aisle, showing the book to even more people. “It has waving flagpoles! And donut-fucking! You will thump this book like you thump the bible!”

He finally got back to the front of the bus and showed the book to the bus driver, too.

“You have to read it,” he whispered to the driver. “It has a cute omega with an even cuter butt!”

By the end of it, he was certain that every single passenger knew of the existence of his book. Satisfied, Emmy returned the book to its very stunned owner.

“There! Now everybody will know about me and the banana muffin!”

The bus pulled up to his stop. With a wave, Emmy hopped off, making his way home.

#2 – Peen name assignments

Emmy bounced up to Varrick, armed with a stack of blank label stickers, a marker, and his trusty naming sheet. “I got everything!”

“You do?” Varrick seemed dubious, but he shrugged. “All right. Let’s go.”

They drove to the town hall where there was a huge party. Emmy didn’t know what the party was for. Something that encouraged people to have more babies? Either way, there were a lot of alphas and omegas there.

And Emmy had the perfect addition to the party!

When they got out of the car, Emmy turned to Varrick, scribbling on the first blank sticker, ‘Waving Tentacle’. He stuck that on Varrick’s chest. “There!”

“What is this?” Varrick looked dubiously at it.

“It’s the name of your tentacle!” Emmy patted his bulge fondly. “And I am going to help every alpha name their dicks.”

He showed Varrick his naming sheet placard; there were two columns on it. The first would use people’s favorite color to describe their dicks, and the second column used a person’s birth month to determine what kind of dick they had.

Varrick turned his snort into a cough. “All right. But I will be following you through this entire thing. To keep you safe.”

Emmy beamed. “You are the best husband muffin!”

He found Caulin and Otto first. “What’s your favorite color?” Emmy asked Caulin’s alpha.

“Brown,” Otto said.

“What about your birth month?”

“July.” Otto looked confused.

Emmy wrote ‘Pulsing Lighthouse’ on a blank sticker and stuck it on Otto’s chest. “There’s your dick’s name!”

Caulin looked horrified. Then he glanced at the same sticker on Varrick’s chest, and sighed.

Emmy found Murphy and his alpha next. “What’s your favorite color?” he asked Shaw.

“Blue,” Shaw said slowly. “Why?”

“It means your dick’s first name is Tall! What’s your birth month?”

Shaw glanced at the sticker on Varrick’s chest, and said, “August.”

Emmy wrote ‘Tall Fireman Pole’ on a blank label, and stuck it on Shaw’s chest with a flourish. Murphy seemed bewildered.

“Now you have a name to call his dick during sex,” Emmy whispered at him. “You say, ‘Shaw, I want to ride your tall fireman pole!’”

Murphy cringed. “I… I will keep it in mind.”

“Of course you will.” Emmy bounced along and found Landon with his two alphas. “Landy! I have a surprise for you.”

“What?” Landon looked curious.

Emmy turned to his alphas. “What’s your favorite color?”

“Grey,” Gardner said.

“Purple,” Ingle said.

Emmy wrote ‘Creamy’ on one sticker, and ‘Thick’ on another. “What about your birth months?”

“January,” they both said.

“There we go!” Emmy stuck the labels on their chests: Creamy Muscle for Gardner, and Thick Muscle for Ingle. “Those are your dicks’ names. Now Landy can say ‘I want your creamy muscle in my mouth and your thick muscle in my butt!’”

Landon buried his face in his hands, and groaned.

Emmy didn’t have time to educate him about the usefulness of dick names. He spied a group of firefighters, and dragged Varrick over there.

“Hello! I am Emmy, and I am the dick namer!” he said.

One of the younger firefighters grinned. “Hey, I’m York!”

“What’s your favorite color?” Emmy asked.


“Your birth month?”


Emmy wrote ‘Love Rod’ on a label and stuck it on York’s chest. “That’s your dick’s name! Now your omega can use it during fun times!”

York promptly turned to his omega and waggled his eyebrows, showing him the sticker. “You should name a toy after my cock, Perry.”

Perry took one look at the label and blushed bright red.

There was a stern older firefighter that looked curious, so Emmy went to him next. “Favorite color and birth month?”

The firefighter’s young omega peeked around him. “Gareth, what…?”

Gareth shrugged. “Green, September.”

‘Veiny Sausage’ was the label that Emmy stuck on his chest. “There,” Emmy whispered at Gareth’s omega. “Now you can summon his dick by its name!”

Gareth’s omega took one look at the label, and giggled.

Emmy stopped by Ben and his alpha next. He knew Ben, because Ben often gave away leftover buns from his bakery. “What’s your alpha’s favorite color and birth month?”

Ben looked confused. “Yellow, and June.”

Emmy wrote ‘Hot Cucumber’ on a blank sticker, and handed it to Ben. “There’s his dick’s name! You can stick this on his chest. Everyone will know what you call his dick.”

Ben stared at the label, and laughed.

Emmy found two alphas standing together without an omega, their arms around each other’s waists. One of them was shaved bald, and he had scars all over. They’d been watching him give out his stickers, so Emmy asked. “What’s your favorite color and birth month?”

The younger, scarred one hesitated, before saying, “Pink. September.”

Gleefully, Emmy wrote, ‘Throbbing Eggplant’ on his sticker.

The older, more serious alpha said, “Black, November.”

‘Squirting Sword’ was his. Emmy presented them with the stickers. “Now you can yell each other’s dick names in bed!”

The alphas looked at each other’s dick names, and smirked.

Emmy was about to talk to more firefighters when he spotted a familiar omega and his alpha in one corner. Emmy perked up and dragged Varrick over. “Frankie!”

Frankie jumped and spun around, almost tripping. His alpha caught and steadied him.

“I didn’t think I’d see you here,” Emmy said to his friend. “I thought you’d be at the—” he lowered his voice “—North Pole!”

There were no reindeer around, either.

Kris frowned and looked away.

“We’re just here for a bit, then we’re leaving,” Frankie said. “But Kris’ band invited us here!”

“I’m glad!” Emmy uncapped his marker. “Now, what is your grumpy alpha’s favorite color and birth month?”

Frankie looked hesitantly at Kris, before blurting, “White and December.”

‘Tasty Snake’ was what Emmy wrote on the next sticker. He stuck it on Kris’ chest. “That’s what you call his dick when you fuck him,” Emmy whispered. “‘Oh Mr. Big Santa! Bite my cute butt with your tasty snake!’”

Frankie broke into a coughing fit.

Emmy spun around and surveyed the crowd. There were still a lot more alphas without names for their dicks. “We gotta hurry,” he whispered at Varrick. “Everyone’s dick needs a name before they leave!”

“All right. We’d best hurry, then.” Varrick grinned and dropped a kiss on Emmy’s head. Emmy puffed out his chest with his alpha’s support, dragging him off to continue their mission.

If you haven’t read A Daddy for the Stowaway Omega, grab it here!