October 5, 2024

Bonus Interview: Professor Blood

The Ironwrought universe continues to grow with each book, and I thought, Who else should discuss its intricate details, but the Professor himself? ๐Ÿ™‚

Quinn is the vampire professor in Professor Blood, and his interviewer, Oriel, was a (human!) fugitive in Forbidden Blood. At the end of Professor Blood, they’re both living in neighboring mansions in Cambria, California, with Brandon and Seb, their respective husbands. I’ve convinced them to meet in Oriel’s living room for a little interview. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Oriel: So… Anna made us talk.

Quinn: Yes, she did. How nice of her. (pointed look)

Oriel: I think Seb is pacing outside. He thinks we might be up to something.

Quinn: Oh? Does he not trust me with you? In the living room, of all places?

Oriel: You’ve seen him. If you so much as sniff at me, his claws come out.

Quinn: Even if you both are married.

Oriel: Even so, yes.

Quinn: He’s known me for two hundred years. He could stand to be a little more trusting. (sniff) Besides, I have Brandon.

Oriel: (peers through the window) Brandon’s pacing, too.

Quinn: I’ll make it up to him tonight.

Oriel: Really? (mischievous smile) How so?

Quinn: That would be too much information, don’t you think?

Oriel: Come on, Quinn, you’ve told me a bunch of other things! A little bit more won’t hurt.

Quinn: Not about my sex life!

Oriel: Perhaps you should start now!

Quinn: (pause) How much do you want to know?

Oriel: Everything?

Quinn: Seb’s not going to be happy, you asking about our… private lives.

Oriel: This is research! For ideas. Bedroom ideas. You know. (winks) Seb will be happy I asked.

Quinn: Not about the blood play, he wouldn’t.

Oriel: (nonchalant wave) I’ll listen. And live vicariously through you. Where do you bite Brandon? Do you bite his dick?

Quinn: What? No! I mean, not his cock, no.

Oriel: Sorry. I’ve always wondered. Since, you know, there can be a lot of blood there.

Quinn: Yes, I know.

Oriel: Seb was really tempted when we first slept together. It’s a lot of blood, but he didn’t bite. But are you ever tempted?

Quinn: (flushes) And I should tell you because…?

Oriel: Because I make you dinners, Quinn. You especially like that seared chicken liver in port wine gravy.

Quinn: That’s bribery.

Oriel: That’s persuasion.

Quinn: Oriel Lancaster, you’re about as terrible as I am.

Oriel: (laughs) A good thing! So. Do you ever want to bite?

Quinn: (sighs) Yes. It’s… very tempting.

Oriel: I’m surprised Brandon even lets you that close.

Quinn: Licking is fine, but enough about that. What do you and Seb do in private?

Oriel: Other than a lot of frisking?

Quinn: You’re still frisking?

Oriel: I don’t see why not! Well, Seb sometimes shoves me up against the wall, then he starts grabbing my ass all possessive, you know, and then he strips me.

Quinn: Why do I feel oddly… hot and uncomfortable?

Oriel: Because you want to try that right now.

Quinn: Damn it.

Oriel: On to the actual interview. You know, the stuff you came here to talk about.

Quinn: Maybe that sex talk was more fun.

Oriel: (laughs) We’ll talk more about that later. So, about the blood.

Quinn: Yes, the blood.

Oriel: You’ve explained that it’s my white blood cells causing the addiction in vampires. Are you any closer to finding a cure for it?

Quinn: Somewhat – Brandon and I have been testing antidotes and suppressants, in the event that the feds find a terrible way to use your blood. We’ve come up with a few alternatives, and may need you and Seb in for more tests.

Oriel: I didn’t know white blood cells could be so potent.

Quinn: They differentiate animal blood from human blood. You’ve seen it with Seb – when we drink animal blood, the animal white blood cells destroy our bodies at a higher rate. Our regeneration abilities aren’t able to keep up with its destruction. In the case of human blood, the white blood cells form a natural balance with vampire cell regeneration, thus prolonging a vampire’s life.

Oriel: Do vampires die from drinking too much animal blood?

Quinn: Some have. I haven’t, but it weakened me enough that I wasn’t able to turn into mist easily.

Oriel: You’re not as weak now, I hope?

Quinn: No. I’m stronger, thanks to Brandon’s blood.

Oriel: Is it time to make a sex joke?

Quinn: (laughs) Oh, Oriel.

Oriel: So how do my white blood cells give rise to addiction in vampires?

Quinn: The cells attack the nervous system mainly through the nose and mouth – your white blood cells target the nerves, which sends an immediate signal to a vampire’s brain. I believe it’s mostly the chemical compounds in your white blood cells giving rise to the haze. Right now, Brandon and I are working on antidotes to counter the chemical compounds, as well as suppressants to stop the white blood cells before they attack.

Oriel: Before the feds come up with a plan to use my blood.

Quinn: Yes. Brandon and I believe there is a vampire in a high-up position somewhere in the government.

Oriel: No. Really?

Quinn: The police don’t acknowledge vampire killings. I wasn’t aware of this, but Brandon told me that human deaths caused by vampires are registered as mystery deaths.

Oriel: Someone’s trying to wipe out your existence?

Quinn: Or someone could be trying to build a secret army of vampires.

Oriel: No way.

Quinn: It could be a vampire with a vengeance. Who knows? The thing is, the best way to do this would be through an overlooked position in the White House.

Oriel: In the future, it’ll be called the Blood House.

Quinn: Not funny, Oriel.

Oriel: But what about the other countries? If this is just within the U.S., then surely there are voices on the internet somewhere.

Quinn: We’ve looked. There are mixed voices across the world. Some governments acknowledge our existence, and some don’t.

Oriel: You guys are way too old to be ignored.

Quinn: (sigh) This isn’t my thing, Oriel. I’m one person in, what, six billion? I can’t change anything.

Oriel: You’re doing research. That’s important.

Quinn: Sometimes, I wonder if there are others like you out there, other people with addictive blood.

Oriel: You think so?

Quinn: There might be. I don’t know. Perhaps someone living in the jungles? An entire village of people hidden somewhere? The possibilities are endless. I’ve analyzed your DNA – it’s a mutated part of your genes that’s causing the addiction. Not an illness like I originally thought.

Oriel: I’m glad I’m not sick. Ha ha.

Quinn: No, it’s not funny. I don’t envy you, having to hide away like this.

Oriel: I’m fine. I have Seb and the internet. And you and Brandon visit, which is nice. But I do shudder to think about a vampire army.

Quinn: One step at a time. We’ll see what the feds do, and come up with antidotes for whatever they might create. We have a rough chemical that’s eighty percent ready, but it’s not fully effective yet.

Oriel: I’m so glad to be a guinea pig.

Quinn: (laughs) I’m sure you are.

Oriel: What’s going to happen to the college, now that you’re gone?

Quinn: They’ll find another professor to hire, I’m sure.

Oriel: I’m sorry about your tenure.

Quinn: It’s fine. I’m still doing research. That’s the important bit.

Oriel: Oh? What about Brandon? Shouldn’t he be included in the important bit too?

Quinn: (blushes) He’s the other not-so-tiny important bit.

Oriel: Are we back to talking about you and Brandon? I want to know how you fucked a hunter who’s your student at the same time.

Quinn: We, uh, argued. Against my office door.

Oriel: (laughs) So that’s arguing.

Quinn: Yes. Yes, it is. A lot of intense words.

Oriel: There were words?

Quinn: Many angry words, yes.

Oriel: You’re a lot more eloquent than I am in the… heat of things.

Quinn: Your jokes are so bad, Oriel. But yes. We talk. Or maybe Brandon tries to shut me up. (laughs)

Oriel: I need to try that with Seb. We noticed that Brandon has a lot more bite marks now. Even on his fingers! You guys have been busy.

Quinn: He’s been doing a lot better with bites. I’m glad.

Oriel: We should have a four-way sometime.

Quinn: (pause) You don’t really think so, do you?

Oriel: I do. You know, I figured out my favorite part of being with a vampire. Seb just appears behind me and suddenly, I’m shoved against the wall. One moment, I’m alone, and the next, I’m with my husband. Who happens to be naked. That’s a lot of fun, of course.

Quinn: I should… do that with Brandon.

Oriel: Yes, you should.

Quinn: Except maybe with a bit more romance in it, like with flowers.

Oriel: Or rope. Rope is romantic. (laughs)

Quinn: I’ll find a way to make it romantic.

Oriel: With kisses! Spread him open and tease him. And then make him howl.

Quinn: I… like that idea.

Oriel: So do I. Especially when Brandon’s the hunter. Can Seb and I come over and watch?

Quinn: Maybe. I’ll have to talk to Brandon about it.

Oriel: We’ll bring food. And toys!

Quinn: You seem so excited!

Oriel: Seb wants to show me off. If you know what I mean. (winks) 

Quinn: (coughs) Well, we’ll see what Brandon says.

Oriel: And then we can all have a romantic dinner together.

Quinn: You’ll be the one cooking?

Oriel: Of course!

Quinn: That might convince me.

Oriel: (laughs) Right, I think we should unlock the doors now, before they start charging in.

Quinn: We should. I’m so glad we’re neighbors.

Oriel: A hug?

Quinn: Sure. (pulls Oriel into a hug, then goes to open the door for Brandon and Seb)

Stay tuned for more of the Ironwrought guys! ๐Ÿ™‚

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