October 5, 2024

Six Years Later – Dad’s Omega Best Friend bonus chapter

Dad's Omega Best Friend bonus scene cover - Six Years Later

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Six Years Later

Chapter 1: Family

River packed his things away, his heart skipping. This was the last class he had to teach for the day. All he had to do was get himself home, and then he could see his family again.

With May at four months old and beginning to sleep through the night, River and Nico were finally starting to get longer stretches of rest in. They’d been alternating classes between the two of them—some days, River stood in for Nico’s classes so Nico could be with their children, and other days, River was the one at home caring for the girls.

River wasn’t sure he’d truly earned his place at the college—he was Nico’s PhD student and teaching assistant now, really so he had a good reason to be wherever Nico was. But sometimes, he wasn’t sure if teaching was the path he should’ve taken. Everyone said not to make career choice decisions based on your partner. Was he doing right by their students?

“Mr. Robinson, could you explain this to me again?”

He looked up at the sheepish omega on the other side of his desk. Bea was a friendly young woman not much younger than him; Nico had mentioned how she’d needed more help than the other students to keep up.

He set aside his things, leaning over to peer at her textbook. “Which part do you need help with?”

“Here. It says that protons are excited to a higher energy state when a magnetic field is applied, but when it rotates…” She frowned.

“When you apply a strong magnetic field to water, it creates two different energy levels,” River said, pulling out a sheet to illustrate the concepts. He drew sketches of the atoms, the electrons in their different shells, and the magnetic energy coming in to change their behavior.

“So the energy is released when the magnetic field switches directions,” Bea said slowly.

“Yeah! And that’s how the sensors detect images in magnetic resonance imaging,” River said, going on to elaborate further.

With each simplified explanation, the confusion in Bea’s eyes slowly faded. “I think I get it now,” she said, cracking a relieved smile.

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.” She looked like a great weight had been lifted from her shoulders. “Thank you. Sorry for taking up your time.”

“It’s not a problem. Don’t worry about it.” River watched as she left, a skip in her footsteps.

He packed up the last of his teaching material, his heart lighter than before. He’d helped Bea through her physics problem. Sometimes, he’d taught classes wondering if the students had absorbed anything he’d said. But this little chat with Bea proved that he could actually help. He was making a positive impact in his student’s life, and he would do more to make sure they all benefited from his classes.

I love teaching, he decided, setting off for home. It made total sense why Nico loved this job—they had the power to help so many students.


When he parked in the driveway, the front door burst open, six-year-old Yona all but tumbling out with a brilliant smile. “Papa!”

River’s heart swelled. He swung her into the air, grinning when she squealed. “Hey, pumpkin. How was school today?”

“It was fun,” she said. “We made drawings with leaves!”

“You’ll have to show me that after dinner,” River said, ruffling her hair. “Where’s Daddy?”

“He’s giving May a bath.” Yona wriggled when he set her back on her feet. “Come see!”

She grasped his hand and tugged him into the house, where the savory aroma of dinner filled his lungs. River’s stomach growled. He ignored it for the moment, though, following his daughter into the master bedroom.

Nico had four-month-old May lying on their bed, cooing softly as he wiped her down with a damp washcloth. With his shorter arm, it was difficult for Nico to give their infants water baths. He did the towel baths just fine, though.

River crept up on Nico, looking over his shoulder at May, whose large eyes fixed immediately on him. He played Peek-a-boo silently so Nico wouldn’t hear him; May giggled. Gods, she was adorable.

Then Nico flipped May onto her front to towel her dry, and River slipped his arms around his husband, pulling their bodies flush together. “Hey, babe,” he growled in Nico’s ear. “I missed you.”

Nico laughed softly, tipping his head in offering when River kissed his scent gland. “Let me finish up here.”

“Damn it,” River muttered, kissing up his neck. “May looks clean. And you look like you need kisses.”

Nico shivered in his arms. But he didn’t protest when River brushed his wrists down his sides.

“Why do you put your hands all over him?” Yona asked quizzically, frowning.

“It happens when your dads love each other very much,” River said, looking over at her without releasing Nico. “I’m refreshing the scent marking on Daddy’s skin so everyone else knows I’m protecting him.”

Yona frowned harder. “Can I do that with Emmie?”

Emmie was the best friend she had from school; they’d been going everywhere together. Yona even wanted River to bring May along when he dropped her off at school so she could show her sister to Emmie.

“You can do that when you’re older, if Emmie says yes,” Nico said. “When you’re an adult.”

Yona pouted. “But I want to be an adult now!”

River laughed. “No, you don’t. Enjoy being a child, kiddo.”

“Can I give Emmie a fudge, then?” Yona asked.

“A piece of fudge,” Nico corrected her.

Yona shook her head. “No, a fudge! Like Papa gives you a fudge.”

Nico froze in River’s arms, the tips of his ears turning pink. “He—he did?”

“Yeah!” Yona looked excited. “Papa said he was gonna give you a fudge in your bedroom and he didn’t let me see it.”

“Oh, gods,” Nico muttered, his entire head turning red. “River, what did you tell her?”

River felt the slightest bit sheepish. “Exactly what she said.” Then he pressed his lips to Nico’s ear and whispered, “You really enjoyed that fudge. Even choked on it a couple of times.”

Nico was beautiful, but he was even more beautiful when he got all flustered in River’s arms. “River!”

River grinned and kissed him on the nape, releasing him so he could finish up with May. “It was just a fudge,” he said to Yona. “We’ll all get a piece of chocolate after dinner.”

Yona cheered up. “Yay!”

She plastered herself over the edge of the bed, playing Peek-A-Boo with her sister. River’s chest filled with warmth.

“You’re all amazing,” he said, watching as Nico leaned close to May, grasping her feet with the hand on his shorter arm and lifting her bottom up so he could slide a new pair of diapers under her.

Back when Yona had been an infant, River had wanted to do everything so Nico wouldn’t feel awkward about his arm. But Nico had refused—he’d gone ahead and bathed and fed and dressed their daughter, he’d tucked her into a sling around his body so he could carry her around. It took him a bit longer to do those things, but Nico was determined to complete those tasks himself. River had had to make Nico split the work with him, especially when Yona woke them repeatedly in the middle of the night.

“You’re gorgeous,” River whispered into Nico’s ear.

Nico flushed all over. “Perhaps.”

He was better with that these days, too. He didn’t seem to mind his shorter arm quite as much, he didn’t try to hide it from people anymore. River counted that as a win.

He scooped May into his arms, before turning his husband around and kissing him tenderly on the lips. “You’re the strongest omega in the world.”

Nico blushed and smiled.

“Yeah!” Yona agreed. “Daddy is the strongest!”

“Even stronger than me,” River said.

Nico frowned. “No, I’m not.”

“You so are.” River kissed him again, slowly and sweetly. Nico melted against his chest.

“Ew,” Yona said.

A laugh bubbled out of Nico. “You’ll understand someday.”

“No, I won’t!” Yona retorted.

River laughed and scooped her up with his other arm, bringing her closer so he could blow a raspberry against her cheek. Yona squawked.

“Is dinner ready?” River asked.

“It is. I made your favorite beef goulash,” Nico answered. “In return for the cheese lasagna.”

Cheese lasagna was Nico’s favorite dinner—River made it as often as he could, just to spoil his omega. Which only made Nico try to one-up him by making River’s favorite dinner; it was a never-ending competition that delighted River to no end.

“I love you,” he said, meeting Nico’s eyes.

Nico blushed and bowed his head. River wished he had a third arm so he could hug Nico, too.

Instead, he squeezed May and Yona around Nico in a giant group hug—Yona threw her arms around Nico, and May drooled onto Nico’s chest.

“All right,” Nico said, laughing. “We’ll never get to dinner if we just stand around hugging.”

“I could stand around with you all day,” River whispered, kissing his ear.

“Me, too,” Yona said. “But I’m hungry.”

“Children.” River grinned and released Nico; the four of them headed to the kitchen.

Later, though, when they’d put their daughters to bed… he’d snuggle more with Nico. He’d been dreaming about it all day.

Chapter 2: In Your Sleep

River’s hands felt like magic on his skin. Nico sighed into the pillows, moaning when his alpha’s fingers dug into a particularly stubborn knot in his shoulder.

“I love the way you sound,” River growled. “I love the way you respond to my touch.”

Nico smiled shyly over his shoulder. “You give incredible massages.”

“You let me do whatever I want with your body.” River slid his hands up Nico’s sides; friction hummed through his nerves. Then he kissed down Nico’s spine, slow and reverent. “I want to make you feel good all the time.”

Nico shook his head fondly. “You’d have to sleep at some point.”

Except River chuckled huskily in his ear. “I like making you feel good in your sleep, too.”

Nico shivered. They hadn’t done that in a while. He’d taken some time to recover after May’s birth, and then they’d been interrupted whenever they could stay awake long enough to fool around. “Do you want to…?”

“Do you?” River pressed a sucking kiss to his scent gland, resting his hips lightly against Nico’s ass. “When you wake up tomorrow… Do you want to find me inside your body?”

Nico’s breath hitched. “I shouldn’t like it so much.”

River’s laugh turned huskier. “And yet I smell your musk, babe. You like whatever you like. No one’s here to judge you for it.”

Nico felt a bit like a deviant whenever he asked River to wake him up from the inside. People shouldn’t enjoy that.

But starting his day being stuffed full of River—that was like stumbling upon a four-leafed clover the moment you stepped out of your house.

“We might get interrupted,” he mumbled.

River kissed his ear. “But we might not.”

Nico chewed on his lip, heat sweeping down his neck.

River slipped his arms around Nico’s chest, pressing their bodies flush together. “I’ll wake you up tomorrow, then,” he growled. “From your deep, hard sleep.”

“You’re—You’re never that rough with me.”

River’s laugh sounded more like a growl. “I don’t want to be rude.”

“What if you—you went hard?” Nico’s insides squeezed. “Like you do when I’m awake.”

“Your wish is my command, babe.” River kissed him gently. Then he continued the massage, except now Nico was distracted by his alpha’s promise. He squirmed.

River laughed. “Babe.”

“I can’t wait for tomorrow.”

“I know.” River dropped kisses down his shoulder. “But you need to be unconscious for it to happen.”

Nico sighed. “I know I’m about to fall asleep.”

“Yeah?” River pressed a sucking kiss to his scent gland, sending a tendril of bliss down his spine. He began kneading Nico’s shoulders again, and down his back. He kissed all over Nico’s short arm, too. “Sleep. You’ll be awake before you know it.”

Nico fell asleep faster than he’d have liked to admit.


They woke up a couple of times that night to feed May. But Nico fell back asleep soon after, and his dream began.

In his dream, he was in the middle of a stadium, fake grass under his hands and knees.

Hey, babe, Dream-River whispered in his ear. Then he covered Nico with his body, and Nico realized they were both embarrassingly naked.

There were people in all the stadium seats. They were watching the big screen—and it was focused on Nico and River, River’s cock wedged snugly between Nico’s cheeks.

They can see, Nico yelped, shrinking back against River.

River groaned and rubbed his cock against Nico’s entrance. I’ll help you forget they’re there, he promised. Or would you rather they see how much cock you can take into your perfect little hole?

Nico gulped, but his cock grew hard. He wasn’t okay with strangers touching him, but if they watched from afar… His entire body prickled self-consciously, his balls pulling tight.

You’re getting wet, River growled, slipping his fingers into Nico’s hole, stretching him open. Then he turned Nico’s ass to face the camera. Nico yelped, at the same time his cock grew painfully hard.

River! he cried.

This is how much you stretch for me, River said, sliding more fingers into Nico, stretching open his hole. Then he pushed his thick cock into Nico’s mouth, and Nico’s entire body burned with need. This is all mine, River growled, thrusting deep. Your mouth, your body, your hot, tight hole. I have to claim them again, babe. I have to show everyone that it’s mine.

He pushed deeper than he’d ever gone down Nico’s throat. He was so big, Nico squirted precome all over the grass. Then River pulled out, his cock glistening with wetness. He sat on the grass. He pulled Nico onto his lap; his thickness rubbed enticingly against Nico’s hole.

Beg for it, babe, Dream-River murmured, kissing his shoulder.

Please, Nico said.

That’s not enough. River kissed his nape. You’ll have to bend over and present for me.

In front of the entire stadium.

Nico burned so hot, his body throbbed. River rubbed his blunt tip against Nico’s entrance; he nudged Nico off when Nico tried to sit on him.

Present for me, River said again.

Shakily, Nico got onto all fours, reaching back to pull his asscheeks apart.

Fuck, River rasped. The camera’s showing it to the entire stadium.

When Nico looked up, he found that River was right—his wet hole was on the big screen, the image so zoomed in that he could see every crease of his entrance. From way down on the field.

His entire body burned with embarrassment, at the same time his cock throbbed.

Gorgeous, Dream-River said, leaning in to lick his opening. Then he pushed his tongue inside, and Nico momentarily forgot about the spectators. River reached between Nico’s legs to pump his cock. He pulled Nico’s foreskin down to play with his sensitive tip, he rubbed it against his dry palm, sending a shock of bliss down Nico’s nerves.

Please, Nico begged, spreading his legs wider.

As you wish, River murmured, stroking his wrists down Nico’s front. Then he wedged his tip against Nico’s hole, and everything came into sharp focus, suddenly—as though the entire world was a blur, and Nico had just put on his glasses.

Whereas the sensations had been muted before, Nico felt the heat of River’s cock now, the blunt pressure against his hole, big and demanding. It pressed against him harder and harder until his body yielded. Then it pushed in, stretching his muscles. Nico felt as though he was an astral projection tumbling back into his body—friction rushed through his veins; his muscles stretched, aching a little at first.

Oh, River was big.

He thought he heard a groan. Then the thrusting began, each pull and push sending jolts of bliss into his cock.

The people in the stadium were still watching. The TV showed Nico’s hard cock bobbing beneath him with each of River’s thrusts, making him prickle with embarrassment there. But he pushed it away—all he cared about was the too-real sensation of River inside him, each stroke harder than before, rocking him forward.

River pressed him down against the soft, smooth grass. His breath was heavy, the pressure of his hand burning like a brand into Nico’s shoulder. Then he thrust, so forcefully that it felt as though he was trying to impregnate Nico and fill him up with seed. You feel so good around my cock, River panted into his ear. So hot and tight.

River pulled out completely. Then he slammed every inch back into Nico, grinding up against his prostate and all the way into his body. Nico thrashed and screamed, his hand smacking something, his eyes flying open.

The stadium vanished. So did the big TV. But the thrusts stayed, pumping so deep that Nico clutched at the sheets, his entire body pulled tight, on the verge of climax.

What’s going on? We have to leave the stadium. They can’t watch us. His cock tingled at the memory.


“Right here,” River growled. A slippery thickness slammed into Nico so he skidded a few inches against the sheets. Nico cried out; a large palm muffled his scream. River hauled him back and continued thrusting, so thick and big that he toppled Nico over the edge.

Pleasure surged through Nico’s body, arching his spine, curling his toes.

River held him down. He fucked Nico through that orgasm, he hammered so hard against Nico’s prostate that Nico’s eyes rolled back. He rode Nico hard through the next orgasm, and the next. The bed creaked; each thrust shoved Nico further against the mattress, his cock dripping, his entire body begging for his alpha.

River had been inside Nico even before he woke, taking his pleasure. Because he owned all of Nico. Nico shuddered, his body growing even hotter.

“Fuck, you got soaking wet,” River rasped, his cock growing thicker, his thrusts so savage that Nico panted and writhed beneath him. “Take it all, babe. I’m gonna fill you up. Gonna give you another baby.”

He fucked Nico off the edge; Nico came, screaming into River’s hand, clenching around his alpha. River swore and plunged in a final time, throbbing, filling him full.

River covered Nico with his own body, rolling them onto their sides, dragging his wrist over Nico’s chest as they panted together.

“That—That was intense,” Nico mumbled, sighing when River’s knot swelled inside him.

“Mm. You’re so fucking gorgeous.” River kissed Nico’s shoulders, and then he kissed Nico’s hair and neck and back. He kissed Nico between panting, his embrace so safe and strong that Nico leaned back into him, a smile creeping onto his face.

Even though they’d done such a strange thing, whenever River held Nico in his arms, Nico felt at peace. Normal. Loved and unjudged.

“Do you feel bad about it?” River whispered, kissing him again.

Nico shook his head. “Not when you’re holding me.”

“Good.” River held him tighter. “I want you to remember that it’s totally okay to explore anything you want with me. We talk about it. It’s not weird.”

The more River said that to him, the more Nico started to believe that maybe he wasn’t such a strange person, after all. “Okay.”

River brought Nico’s hand up, kissing his scent gland. “Mine.”

Nico’s heart fluttered. “We probably shouldn’t be knotting,” he mumbled. But it felt so good when their bodies locked together—it felt as though he’d come home.

“Why?” River’s lips moved against his hair. “Afraid May will wake up?”


“We’ll shuffle over. There’s a towel to wrap around us both.”

“All right,” Nico conceded. He leaned into River, sighing when River’s knot swelled fully inside him. “Earlier, you—you said you were going to give me another baby.”

River propped himself up on one elbow so he could gaze at Nico’s face. “Next heat, huh?”

Nico flushed. “I don’t know.”

“You want another.” River bit lightly on his shoulder. “Can’t hide that from me, babe.”

Nico cracked a smile. “Maybe.”

“We’ll try,” River whispered, kissing him again.

Across the room, May made soft, whimpering sounds—had she woken up? Nico sighed. “We should get up.”

“Sure.” River rolled them off the bed, making sure Nico found his footing. Then he wrapped a towel around their waists, shuffling them over to the cot. Both of them groaned when his knot tugged inside Nico’s body.

“Hey, hon,” Nico said, smiling when May looked up at them with large walnut eyes. She resembled River, whereas Yona was a mix of them both. “What do you need this morning?”

“She really likes you,” River whispered into his ear.

May quietened when Nico lifted her by her little hammock—she always slept on one of those, so it was easier for him to lift her out of the cot. Once she was out, River took over, cradling her in his arms.

Before they could see if she needed a diaper change, the bedroom door burst open. “Daddy! Papa!”

Both of them startled. Nico clutched at the towel; River swore. Did we forget to lock the door?

“What is it, hon?” Nico asked, hoping she didn’t ask about the thick musk in the bedroom.

Yona looked oddly at them. Then she waved a frozen pizza above her head. “I found pizza! Can we have pizza for breakfast? Pleaaase?”

It was so unexpected that Nico began to giggle.

“Sure,” River said, snorting. “Pizza for breakfast. Why not?”

“But we’ll have to have some vegetables with it,” Nico said.

“Fine.” Yona pranced off, though, leaving them in relative quiet once more. Nico leaned back into River’s chest, giggling when River nuzzled the back of his head. May babbled and grasped at Nico’s arm.

“Some family we have, huh?” River murmured.

“Some family,” Nico agreed, grinning. “I couldn’t be happier.”

River pulled him closer and kissed him again, the smile in his voice lifting Nico’s spirits. “Same here.”

If you haven’t read Dad’s Omega Best Friend, grab it here!

2 thoughts on “Six Years Later – Dad’s Omega Best Friend bonus chapter

  1. Once again, you’ve outdone your previous story. I can’t get enough of them. I’m beginning to like the way you write underdogs into your stories and give them a happy ending.

    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed, Denice! Underdogs are some of my favorite characters to write about 😀
      Have a great day!

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