October 5, 2024

Guarding His Enema – Guarding His Enemy Bonus Chapter

Guarding His Enemy bonus scene cover - Guarding His Enema

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Guarding His Enema

“Blazy,” Phinny said one winter. “I have a very special task for you. Watch this while I’m out building my majestic tree.”

He set a box down—it had been wrapped in the most ornate paper Blaze had ever seen: intricate silver curlicues embossed across a gleaming fuchsia foil, which had been pleated at least seven times. On a box that was way too small to require fancy pleats.

“Sure,” Blaze said, watching as two-year-old Rose explored the kitchen. “Need help with the tree?”

“Nope!” Phinny ducked into the junk room, and then flounced out with an armful of fake tree branches. “I’ll tell you when I’m ready. No peeking!”

Blaze left his omega to his project. Phinny had been extremely secretive about the tree he wanted this Christmas—he’d had a towering block of wood delivered to their front yard, and he’d borrowed a chainsaw from Lance down the street. Today was his self-proclaimed Project Day; Blaze was under strict orders not to look out the windows, or step outside.

Rose reached for the shiny gift, giggling. As much as she warmed his chest, Blaze hauled her away. “Daddy said we have to watch that,” Blaze told her. “Not play with it.”

“I want,” Rose protested, trying to somehow scale the kitchen counter.

Blaze chewed on his lip. Then he picked up the box, shaking it gently to try and figure out if its contents were fragile. Something thunked against the inside of the box—it felt heavy. Like… a bottle of something?

“Best if we don’t play with it,” Blaze said.

What could require such fancy gift wrapping, though? Perfume? Phinny hadn’t said who it was for.

Why would he ask Blaze to watch the gift, when he could’ve just hidden it in a closet?

Rose made soft, unhappy sounds. “Want box!”

“I’ll get you a present later.”

Blaze tucked the box into a cabinet of wine glasses, before bringing her to the nursery, trying his damnedest to distract her. She was probably the biggest threat to Phinny’s gift at this point.

“First rule of guarding,” Blaze told his tiny daughter. “You don’t play with the thing you’re supposed to protect.”

Except he’d broken that rule, and that was why Rose existed, wasn’t it?

Rose kept tottering toward the nursery door, though. Which was… persistent. That was a good quality in a guard. Blaze couldn’t help feeling proud. “That’s the second rule,” he said, pulling her into a bear hug. “Do what it takes to keep your target safe. But don’t dropkick me, okay? You’re not the one guarding that box. I am.”

He couldn’t help thinking about it, though. If it was perfume in the box, then why hadn’t Phinny packed it more securely? Why would he let it thump around? What if someone dropped the box?

When the buzz of the chainsaw finally stopped, and when Rose had finally fallen asleep, Blaze returned to the kitchen, turning Phinny’s gift around in his hands. Only then did he notice the tiniest note written on the back of one of the ribbons.

For Blazy, the world’s best alpha.

Blaze stared, his forehead crinkling. If it was a gift meant for him, why hadn’t Phinny said so? Did he want to watch Blaze open it?

He shook the box a little more, trying to figure what his husband had packed in there. A tiny bottle of liquor? Some sort of adult-themed soap? A candle? Fruit preserve?

Why had he asked Blaze to guard it?

Blaze resisted the urge to open the front door and ask. He was no stranger to waiting. So he set the gift aside, did some dinner prep, and went to play with Rose when she woke up.

More hours later, Phinny threw open the front door, woodchips in his hair and sawdust covering his entire body. He looked a little crazed, and a lot gorgeous.

“I’m done,” Phinny announced with a grand sweep of his arms. “Come look!”

“Daddy!” Rose cried, her tiny feet carrying her across the house.

Phinny picked her up and swung her around. “I made a tree!”

Rose squealed. “A tree!”

“Third rule of guarding,” Blaze added. “Be nice to your clients.”

Phinny snorted. “Are you seriously teaching her how to be a bodyguard?”

Blaze shrugged innocently. “Who else am I supposed to teach?”

“She’s two!”

“Well, we start them early where I come from.”

Phinny bit down his smile. But his face had lit up, and he linked their fingers together. “You’re such a good teacher,” Phinny said. “I knew you’d be good with children.”

“I figured it’d be good to teach her how to protect her siblings, too,” Blaze murmured.

Phinny flushed. They hadn’t conceived a second time yet, but perhaps one of these days… Blaze’s heart skipped.

“Let’s see your tree,” Blaze said.

Phinny led Blaze out into the front yard. And there, basking against the orange glow of sunset, was… a ‘tree’.

At first, all Blaze saw were the colorful fairy lights, twinkling softly against the fake branches. Then he noticed the odd angles at which the branches had been fastened—Phinny hadn’t managed to angle them the way a tree’s branches were supposed to go. And there weren’t quite enough branches, so the tree looked bald, with much of the trunk exposed.

The trunk was way too thick for a regular tree, though. There was something familiar but off about it. Blaze scrutinized the tree from its base to its top, following a prominent ridge up one side…

It couldn’t be.

But the top of the tree was literally a blunt tip, with a familiar edge going around its head, rising at one point to form an upside-down V. And Phinny had stuck a few fake branches down the tip of the tree.

“Majesty,” Blaze said, stunned for words. “You spent the day carving a…”

“Isn’t it beautiful?” Phinny beamed. “It looks like yours, doesn’t it?”

Had Phinny just put… Blaze’s cock out on full display for the world to see? Blaze fought down a groan. “That’s not a tree!”

“It so is!” Phinny puffed out his chest. “Look at all the branches!”

“Having branches doesn’t make it a tree!”

“I had the Brothers check it for proportion,” Phinny said. “They gave it full marks.”

Blaze shook his head, not knowing if he wanted to laugh. “So everyone saw my… tree.”

“Yes.” Phinny grinned.

“Pretty lights,” Rose said, reaching for the softly-glowing bulbs.

“That’s not child-safe,” Blaze said.

Phinny shrugged. “All she sees are the lights. Perspective, Blazy.”

Well… if none of the neighbors on this street had objections, then Blaze certainly didn’t mind letting the tree stay up. In both senses of the word. “Fine.”

“See, I knew you would come around.” Phinny leaned into Blaze’s side, watching as Rose ran around the mostly-clean yard. Some of his sawdust rubbed onto Blaze’s clothes. Blaze liked it, though. It felt like a marking.

“So, that gift you had me watch,” Blaze said.

Phinny’s smile turned mischievous. “What about it?”

“I haven’t opened it yet.”

“Well, good. You’ll open it when Rose has gone to bed.”

That certainly narrowed down the possibilities of what it could be. An adult candle? A bottle of lube? A butt plug?

The more Blaze speculated, the longer it seemed to take Rose to fall asleep.

When he finally shut the door to her room, he found Phinny on their bed, now showered and without sawdust, the gift tucked between his crossed legs.

“I’ve been thinking about it for a while,” Phinny said when Blaze joined him on the mattress. “It’s something I’d like to try.”

“What is it?” More curious than ever, Blaze took the gift from him, carefully plucking off the bow and sticky tape.

Phinny flopped backward. “Remember the time we were enemies, and you were guarding me?”

Blaze remembered. He could’ve smacked his past self. But maybe they both needed that journey to get to where they were now. “Yes…?”

“I wanted to revisit old times.” Phinny laughed. “But in a different way.”

When the wrapping paper unfolded, Blaze found a small cardboard box within: Enema Kit

It took a moment to sink in. After Blaze had spent all day keeping this gift safe, after he’d wondered what could possibly be so important that Phinny had taken great pains to dress it up…

“Instead of guarding your enemy, I had you guard your enema,” Phinny said, looking so proud of himself that Blaze burst out laughing.

“Seriously?” Blaze asked, almost feeling silly. “This is your idea of a joke?”

“Hey, it’s a good joke.” Phinny set his head on Blaze’s lap; his eyes darkened. “But I did mean for you to use it.”

“On me?”

They had laughed about it a few times over the years—Phinny topping Blaze, Phinny claiming Blaze the way an alpha would claim an omega.

“I haven’t claimed you properly,” Phinny murmured. “The way a king claims his husband.”

Something about the way he said it… it sent a thrill down Blaze’s spine. Blaze had been doing all the claiming whenever they’d made love. For Phinny to wield that power… It would make him hotter than he already was.

“All yours, Majesty,” Blaze growled.

“Perfect.” Phinny rolled onto his knees and straightened. And now he was taller than Blaze, his bulge growing behind his panties. “Strip whenever you’re ready.”

Blaze tugged off his shirt, then his pants and boxers. While he did that, Phinny pulled over some pillows, and laid down a few thick towels on the bed.

“Lie on your left side,” Phinny said, opening the enema kit. “We’ll get you all ready for me.”

Blaze’s blood rushed south. It thickened his cock; he tingled between his legs. And Phinny smiled, tearing open the bag that the squeeze bottle came in.

Under Phinny’s instruction, Blaze folded up his right leg, resting it on a pillow—this spread his ass, revealing his hole.

As an alpha, Blaze had never done this in front of anyone before. He was the one who opened Phinny and made him vulnerable. He was the one who did the penetrating. It took a lot of trust and bravery, he realized suddenly, exposing the most intimate parts of yourself. Letting someone else touch inside you.

Phinny’s mouth curved into a hungry smile. “Oh, you look wonderful.”

“Gonna open me up, babe?” Blaze murmured.

“Yes.” Phinny leaned in, kissing the curve of Blaze’s ass. Then he cupped Blaze’s asscheek and spread him wider.

With his other hand, he reached behind himself.

“Show me,” Blaze growled.

Phinny turned; Blaze tugged down his panties. And Phinny made a show of pushing two fingers into himself, swirling them around inside, and pulling them out. His fingers glistened with slick.

He brought them to Blaze’s ass, stroking his slippery fingertips around Blaze’s entrance. Then he pressed down harder, a firm, intimate pressure that sent a jolt up Blaze’s spine.

“I’m going to slick you up inside,” Phinny whispered.

And he pushed a finger in, stretching Blaze open.

Blaze’s breath rushed out. His cock grew heavy. Phinny had a finger inside him, and the pressure anchored his entire attention to where they joined.

Before he could get used to it, Phinny pulled out, rubbing his other finger over the blunt nozzle of the squeeze bottle. And Phinny crowded close, nudging the plastic tip between Blaze’s cheeks until it found his hole.

“Ready?” Phinny whispered in his ear. Then he looked down, and found Blaze’s cock half-hard. “Looks like something got you excited, Blazy.”

“Wonder what it is,” Blaze growled.

“Let’s find out,” Phinny said. And he pushed the nozzle into Blaze’s hole, a smooth, hard pressure that opened Blaze’s body. Blaze groaned, his insides growing just a little heavier. His cock grew, too. And Phinny’s musk wafted into the air between them.

“You’re taking it so well,” Phinny murmured, pushing the nozzle a little deeper. Cool liquid filled Blaze. “I can’t wait for it to be my cock.”

Blaze’s hole squeezed with anticipation. His balls pulled tight. Phinny’s cock… It was smaller than Blaze’s, but it’d still be a lot thicker than the nozzle was.

Phinny reached around Blaze, purring when he grasped Blaze’s cock in his hot fist.

“Fuck, Majesty,” Blaze hissed. He wanted to push into his omega. But he also wanted to know what it’d feel like to take Phinny’s cock. It’d be different from having that little plastic thing inside his ass.

Phinny’s pupils blew wide open. “Exactly like that,” he whispered. “I want you ready for me, Blazy.”

He rubbed up against Blaze’s ass, leaving a smear of precome wherever he went. Then he pulled away, sliding the nozzle out of Blaze.

“There,” Phinny growled. “I’ve filled you up.”

The feeling of carrying some extra volume inside him—it was odd. Kind of like he was full up down there, except it was one of Phinny’s markings. That was hot, too. Blaze groaned, his hole squeezing.

“What does it feel like?” Phinny set the timer on his phone.

“Kind of like I’ve been captured by a tentacled alien and they put something in me,” Blaze muttered.

Phinny laughed. After a while, he positioned himself behind Blaze, nudging his tip against Blaze’s ass.

Blaze hated that he was supposed to lie still for fifteen minutes. He wanted to turn around and pull Phinny against himself. “What’re you doing?”

“Marking you.” Phinny moaned, wedging his cock between Blaze’s cheeks, parting them with his thickness. Blaze’s throat went dry. And Phinny began rocking himself against Blaze’s hole, back and forth, back and forth. His cock was much bigger than his finger. Blaze wondered if it would fit inside him.

Logic said it would—alpha-alpha sex was possible. And those cocks were bigger than Phinny’s.

He took Phinny into his fist, pumping him just the way he liked. Phinny wheezed. He jerked free of Blaze’s fist, suddenly, panting hard. His cock was flushed a dusky red, absolutely ready to blow.

Blaze smiled. “Not coming all over me?”

“I want to save it for later,” Phinny rasped. “Put it all inside you.”

“You could come all over my hole,” Blaze growled. “Mark me there.”

Phinny moaned, clenching his fists in a bid to stop touching himself. He was tempted, though. So Blaze closed his hand around Phinny’s cock, and began stroking again.

Phinny choked on his groan. His entire body trembled. This time, he pressed close, shoving Blaze’s hand off, nudging between Blaze’s cheeks so his tip pushed up against Blaze’s hole.

And he came with a hiss, hot fluid streaking all over Blaze’s entrance, his face twisted into a snarl of pleasure.

Blaze swallowed hard, his own cock stiff with desire. He had his omega’s come all over his ass, soaking into every crease of his entrance. And if that didn’t say belonging, he didn’t know what did.

“Gorgeous,” Phinny panted, dragging his fingers through his come. He rubbed it thoroughly into Blaze’s asscrack, and then up over his taint, over Blaze’s balls, and around his cock. The remainder, he gathered on his fingertips, leaning in to smear it across Blaze’s lips and jaw and cheek. “Mine, Blazy.”

And he pushed his damp fingers into Blaze’s mouth, allowing Blaze to taste his bitter come.

Blaze groaned. Submitting—this was not something an alpha usually did. He knew that. But Phinny liked control, he liked to feel as though he was in charge of everything.

So Blaze ceded it to him—willingly, gladly. Because it made his omega happy. And that was reason enough.

Just that Phinny was also blazing-hot when he was in charge. And Blaze loved seeing his husband smile, he loved his husband, period.

“What does it taste like?” Phinny whispered, stroking his fingertips over Blaze’s tongue.

“Tastes like I need more of it,” Blaze said around his fingers.

Phinny broke into a grin. Then the timer rang, and he clambered off Blaze. “Time for the bathroom.”

“What’re you gonna do while you wait?” Blaze asked.

Phinny grinned. “I’m going to sit on you.”

“Hell no, you’re not.”

“I so am.”

Phinny followed Blaze into the bathroom. Blaze sat on the toilet. He was expecting Phinny to try clambering onto him, except Phinny’s eyes widened.

“I know what I’ll do,” Phinny said. And he hurried out of the bathroom, leaving Blaze alone.

He returned once, to hand Blaze his phone. Then he shut the bathroom door and disappeared for ages—the longer the door remained shut, the deeper Blaze’s curiosity grew. Phinny didn’t disappear from his promises unless there were more pressing matters to see to.

Blaze was just done with a quick shower when the bathroom door opened, and Phinny poked his head inside.

“Did you… wash off my markings?” Phinny frowned, studying Blaze’s damp hips.

“It’s been an hour since I lay around,” Blaze said dryly. “But you can always put your markings on me again.”

Phinny sniffed primly. “You will ask me for my markings, Blazy. Don’t tell me whether I can or cannot.”

Then he broke into a grin and hurried over, grabbing Blaze’s hand.

“C’mon,” Phinny said excitedly. “I want to show you what I did.”

Blaze followed him into the bedroom, his eyebrows rising at the tall pile of duvets stacked on their bed. There was a hollow in the middle of the duvets, their edges folded up to create a wall, sort of like a nest.

“Remember my closet nest?” Phinny said. “Back at the cabin. I always wanted to make a bigger one.”

“Yeah, I remember.” Blaze glanced at Phinny’s mussed hair—Phinny looked like he was sweating a little, actually. “Did you pull out the duvets from the attic, too?”

“I did!” Phinny tugged Blaze to the bed. “I took every single one, save for Rose’s. They’re all here.”

Phinny’s nest looked soft. Comfortable. “It looks like I’ll sink right in,” Blaze said.

“Only the best for when I claim you,” Phinny purred. And he straddled the edge of the nest, wearing only his pajama pants and panties. “Get in there.”

Blaze abandoned his bath towel, climbing into the nest. Then he turned and flopped backward, the duvets fluffing up around him.

It wasn’t a very big nest at all—just wide enough for the two of them. Phinny’s gaze trailed over Blaze, dark and appreciative.

“Spread your legs,” Phinny murmured.

Blaze parted his thighs, blood pooling between his legs. “Do you want me to be your omega?”

“No. I want you to be my alpha when I claim you,” Phinny said throatily, slipping his hand under Blaze’s knees. Then he pushed Blaze’s legs wider open, until all of Blaze was visible—his cock, his balls, and his hole. “Beautiful.”

Blaze wasn’t sure what this feeling was, lying spread before his omega, surrendering all control to this man. His instincts whispered that he should be wrestling back his control, that he should be rolling Phinny under him, pushing Phinny’s legs open instead.

But seeing Phinny’s smile, feeling the tingles bursting across his skin wherever Phinny looked—that was something special, too.

“Mine,” Phinny growled, pushing Blaze’s legs even wider apart, until they couldn’t be spread any more.

And his bulge grew, his cock pushing against his clothes, a hard line eager to sink inside Blaze and claim him there. Blaze’s hole squeezed.

“Yours,” Blaze rasped.

Phinny licked his lips. He tucked his thighs against Blaze’s hips, leaning in. This position kept Blaze’s legs apart, Phinny dipping his head to press a damp kiss to Blaze’s mouth. Then he pushed his tongue past Blaze’s lips, sinking deep inside. “This is how I’ll claim you,” Phinny whispered, his breath hot. “You’ll take my cock, Blazy.”

It wouldn’t be hot coming from anyone else. But when Phinny said it… Blaze’s cock filled up, growing thick against his omega. “You might have to wrestle it from me, Majesty. That’s how you claim an alpha.”

Phinny’s gaze lit up. “You want me to take your virginity. Forcefully.”

“I may surrender if you do.” Blaze grinned.

Phinny’s musk billowed between them; he groaned and ground his covered cock against Blaze’s, sending a jolt of pleasure up Blaze’s spine. “What if you want me to stop?”

“I’ll use your real name.” Blaze slipped his hand against Phinny’s nape, caressing him there. Then he hauled Phinny close and pushed his tongue into Phinny’s mouth, to show how much control he still had.

Phinny growled, shoving Blaze away. “You’ll obey me, Blazy.”

“Make me.”

Phinny’s eyes flashed. Blaze nudged him off—it didn’t take much effort, considering how much less Phinny weighed. Phinny lunged back onto him, using that momentum to knock Blaze over.

“Easier to pin me by my shoulders,” Blaze pointed out.

Phinny scowled. “I don’t need help!”

To prove him wrong, Blaze sat up. Phinny growled and clambered onto Blaze’s waist, shoving at his chest, trying to flatten him against the bed.

“I told you,” Blaze said.

Now you’re pissing me off,” Phinny hissed, biting down hard on Blaze’s shoulder.

Pain and pleasure hissed through Blaze’s body, going right down to his cock. And his instincts rumbled, eager to take the upper hand. “Don’t bite me if you don’t wanna be pinned, Majesty,” Blaze growled, flipping Phinny easily onto the bed. And he rolled over, caging Phinny with his body, slipping his hand between Phinny’s thighs to show how easy it was for him to gain control.

Phinny glowered. He reared up, sinking his teeth harder into Blaze’s shoulder, so hard that Blaze’s breath rushed out of him, his cock growing thick with need.

“You will obey me,” Phinny growled.

“Make me,” Blaze whispered in his ear. And he shoved his cock between Phinny’s legs, showing his omega how ready it was to push inside him. “Or you’ll end up taking my cock, Majesty.”

Phinny made a sound—a half-moan, half-snarl. He grabbed Blaze’s cock and shoved it back against him, sending a whisper of bliss through Blaze’s veins. Then he scrambled out from under Blaze—Blaze eased up to give him space—backing up to put some distance between them.

“Shoulders,” Blaze said again, trying to be helpful. Because there was no way for Phinny to get the upper hand in a physical fight. As fond of him as Blaze was, Phinny wasn’t a trained bodyguard, and he had no martial arts experience.

When Phinny lunged, Blaze held his arm out a little—just enough for Phinny to grab onto it. Phinny tried to flip Blaze over his shoulder.

Blaze rolled with him onto the bed. This time, Phinny scrambled onto his chest, straddling his shoulders.

“I’ve got you now,” Phinny growled, his chest puffing up with pride. His cock strained harder than ever inside his pants, and Blaze couldn’t help reaching up, cupping Phinny’s firm ass through his clothes.

“Maybe,” Blaze said. “I haven’t ceded to you, Majesty.”

“Yeah?” Phinny narrowed his eyes, shoving down his waistband so his flushed cock slipped out. It pointed right at Blaze, its glistening tip pushing out past its foreskin, needing touch. “You’ll take my cock whether you like it or not.”

And he leaned up, shoving his wet tip between Blaze’s lips. Precome smeared across Blaze’s skin. That was a lewd kiss; Blaze groaned. And Phinny thrust, sinking his cock into Blaze’s mouth, spreading his lips apart. His cock was thick and hungry against Blaze’s tongue, pushing so insistently that heat arrowed down Blaze’s spine. Blaze sucked on his omega, his own cock growing so hard, it hurt.

No matter how many times he’d tasted Phinny, he never tired of Phinny’s taste, or Phinny’s pleasure as he arched his spine, his head tipping back in enjoyment.

Phinny began to fuck into Blaze’s mouth, in and out. It would feel like this further south, inside Blaze’s hole. Blaze panted, reaching down to pump his own cock. Then he sucked on Phinny until Phinny’s cock swelled, until Phinny’s legs trembled and he yanked his cock out, panting hard.

“Gonna come on my face?” Blaze asked, kissing Phinny’s pulled-tight sac.

“I’m saving it all for your hole,” Phinny rasped, squirming, precome trickling down the underside of his cock. He was so close. All Blaze needed was to stroke his cock, or push his fingers into Phinny’s ass, and Phinny would cream right there.

“I can make you come,” Blaze whispered.

“You won’t,” Phinny growled.

And he rubbed his cock all over Blaze’s face, its thick length heavy against Blaze’s lips and nose and cheek, covering Blaze with his musk.

“I’m going to claim you now,” Phinny said, easing off Blaze’s shoulders.

Blaze rolled onto all fours the next moment, the better to get away. Phinny snarled and threw himself onto Blaze. His stiff cock shoved against Blaze’s spine, small but hard. Then he slid lower, and his erection wedged between Blaze’s asscheeks, shoving damply against Blaze’s hole.

Blaze’s breath rushed out. “You won’t claim me there, Majesty.”

“Yes, I will,” Phinny growled.

Blaze shook Phinny off his back; Phinny pushed his fingertips between Blaze’s cheeks anyway, searching out his entrance. And he pressed down on it, massaging it, showing Blaze where he would yield.

What would it feel like to have his omega opening him there?

Blaze paused, just to see what Phinny would do. Like he had before, Phinny reached behind himself. A moment later, his fingers returned to Blaze’s entrance, covered with slick.

Phinny didn’t just use one finger this time, though. He slid his fingertips over Blaze’s hole, and pushed two right in, stretching Blaze even wider.

Blaze’s instincts said this was all wrong. He needed to get on top of Phinny, he needed to be the one filling his omega with seed. But his ass grew hot, too, tightening around Phinny’s fingers.

“Get on your back,” Phinny rasped, kicking off his clothes so he was completely naked. “I want to see your face when I claim you.”

“You’ll have to make me.”

Blaze shook off his touch, making his way to the other side of the nest. Phinny lunged at him, pushing his hand between Blaze’s legs, closing his fist around Blaze’s balls and cock. “Obey me,” Phinny hissed.

And he tightened his grip, to the point where Blaze’s balls twinged. Blaze paused, his attention locking where they touched.

Phinny released him and crashed into his side, throwing Blaze off-balance. Blaze toppled onto the mattress; Phinny grabbed him under the knee, pushing his leg up. Then he grabbed Blaze’s other leg and shoved them both apart, spreading Blaze’s ass, keeping Blaze’s legs open to expose his hole.

Blaze’s instincts roared for him to get back up, to pin his omega instead. He suppressed those instincts, panting with the effort.

Phinny’s cock strained up, glistening with precome. And he glanced at Blaze’s hole, a low groan slipping from his throat. “I’m going to claim you now,” Phinny growled.

“Keep trying.” Blaze grew hotter between his legs. Especially when Phinny pulled out a bottle of lube from somewhere, squeezing a dollop of lube onto his fingertips.

Blaze tried to close his legs. In response, Phinny sat on his thigh, shouldering away Blaze’s other leg to keep them spread.

Blaze hadn’t expected it, but being vulnerable like this—it was heady.

Phinny squirted more lube onto his fingers. Then he pushed them into Blaze’s hole, stretching him open without ceremony. Blaze hissed at the pleasure. The lube was cool, and he was starting to get used to the feeling of Phinny’s fingers dipping inside, swirling around.

Phinny lubed up his own cock so it glistened. Blaze swallowed hard.

This was it. And his entire body grew hot.

He made to sit up—Phinny growled and grabbed his shoulders, slamming him back down against the duvets. That ferocity in his eyes—damn, he was gorgeous.

A man like that claiming him? Blaze would yield, any day.

“Majesty,” Blaze whispered.

“You’re mine, and mine alone,” Phinny hissed, cradling Blaze’s throat with his palm. Then he angled his cock between Blaze’s cheeks, grinding it once over Blaze’s hole, before his blunt tip wedged firm against Blaze, its pressure increasing. Blaze forgot to breathe.

“You may say no,” Phinny murmured.

Blaze grinned. “Fuck off.”

Phinny’s pupils blew wide. He bared his teeth and pushed harder, the pressure of his cock so fucking intimate—until he stretched Blaze open and sank inside, and fuck he was big.

All of Blaze’s instincts protested. He was an alpha. He wasn’t supposed to let anyone claim him there. Except Phinny groaned, his expression twisting with pleasure, his chest heaving.

Their gazes locked. Blaze looked into Phinny’s eyes—it was a whole new experience, having his omega’s cock deep inside him, a demanding thickness that Blaze could not deny. And the satisfaction in Phinny’s gaze—he had full control over Blaze now. That knowledge resonated between them.

And Phinny fucked in deeper yet.

All Blaze could feel was the solidness of his cock, the weight of it, an unnatural pressure pushing into him, pulling out, plowing back in. His omega claiming him there, over and over.

“So—fucking—tight,” Phinny hissed, punctuating his words with vicious thrusts. Pleasure twisted into Blaze’s veins.

Yeah, sure, he felt vulnerable like that. But he felt safe, too. Because Phinny wouldn’t hurt him. They’d come a long ways from that.

“That’s all you got, Majesty?” Blaze growled.

Phinny’s eyes flashed. And his next thrust sent pleasure searing through Blaze’s veins, so damn intense that Blaze grasped the duvets, his legs spreading wider, surrendering himself to his omega.

Phinny growled and leaned over Blaze, bracing himself against Blaze’s chest. He began snapping his hips forward, his cock plunging into Blaze, grinding so much pleasure into him that Blaze understood, suddenly, why Phinny loved being on the receiving end of this.

“You’ll have to—to fuck harder if you—you want to own me,” Blaze hissed.

“Damn you,” Phinny panted, sweat beading on his forehead. He dug his nails into Blaze’s pecs, his lean muscles rippling with the force of each thrust. He surged so deeply into Blaze that Blaze’s cock pulsed, his entire body singing with his husband’s claiming. Blaze pumped his cock in an attempt to stop it from aching, except it just grew harder, sensitive from all that stimulation.

“Come,” Phinny growled, pushing as deep into Blaze as he could go, each stroke beyond intimate. “You’ll take—take all of my marking, Blazy,” he hissed, his cock swelling inside Blaze, getting ready to fill him up.

The thought of his omega marking him inside—that tumbled Blaze over the edge.

Blaze came with a roar, clenching around Phinny, waves of pleasure pounding through his body. Phinny followed close behind. He gave a final deep thrust—his eyes rolled back, his nails drew blood. He filled Blaze with his come, something Blaze never thought they’d do.

It felt… good. Special.

Phinny flopped onto Blaze’s chest soon after, limp and sweaty. Blaze scooped him up. With some fumbling, they fitted Blaze’s cock into him before Blaze’s knot grew too big. Then it swelled inside Phinny, locking them together.

“Mine. I would knot you if I could,” Phinny mumbled.

Blaze kind of wished he could experience it, too. Being knotted by his omega. “You could with one of those knotting toys out there, if you wanted.”

Phinny lit up. “You would?”

“Yeah. If it’s something from you.”

Phinny flushed, looking so pleased that Blaze’s heart swelled. He had to kiss his husband. One kiss led to another, and for a while, that was all they did.

When the kisses finally stopped, Phinny asked, “Did you like it? Me claiming you.”

“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I?”

“You’d do it again?” Phinny beamed.

“In a heartbeat.”

“Most alphas wouldn’t.”

Blaze dragged his wrists over Phinny, his instincts finally satisfied now that he was doing the claiming again. “I’m not most alphas. And you’re not most omegas.”

“No, we’re not.” Phinny hummed, tucking his head under Blaze’s chin. Then he pulled the messed-up edges of their nest closer, so it felt as though they were in a much smaller space than they were. “I’m glad we found each other.”

“Same here.” Blaze stroked the re-inked tattoo on Phinny’s back, just breathing in his foxglove scent. Just cradling the love of his life against his chest, marveling at how far they’d come together.

The bedroom door creaked open. Blaze froze, and so did Phinny. They peeked over the edge of the nest.

Rose toddled in blearily, her face scrunched up. “Papa? Daddy? Scary dream.”

Blaze’s heart hurt for her. Phinny made to move, except he was knotted to Blaze, both of them far too naked.

“Damn it,” Blaze muttered. “Be right there, kiddo.”

“Here.” Phinny pulled a duvet over their hips. “Get me to the edge, and we’ll bring her up.”

They fumbled to the edge of the bed, Phinny sprawling over to reach for their daughter. Blaze lifted her into the nest with them, keeping a duvet between her and their sweaty bodies. With even more fumbling, he pulled a duvet over Phinny, and then another over all of them, so Rose wouldn’t be left out.

“There,” Blaze said, hugging Rose and Phinny to himself. “Now we’re all snuggled up together.”

Rose cracked a smile. “Safe now?”

“Very safe,” Phinny said, kissing her forehead. “Papa’s fierce and strong. He’ll protect us from all the bad guys.”

“That’s the fourth rule of guarding,” Blaze said. “Be fierce and strong.”

Phinny huffed, amused. “You’re still on that?”

“I have to set a good example, don’t I?” Blaze grinned. Then he tapped on Phinny’s nose. “But Daddy’s fierce, too. And he’s not a guard, he’s a king.”

“I’m a princess?” Rose mumbled drowsily.

“You definitely are,” Phinny said fondly. As Rose drifted off to sleep, Phinny scrunched up his mouth. “Do you want to be more than my consort, Blazy? It seems that… maybe you should be royalty, too.”

Blaze shrugged. “If I’m a king, then who’s going to guard you?”

“But you’re good enough to be a king.”

Blaze thought about it. “In the end, it doesn’t matter, does it? We’re married, and I keep you safe.”

“Well, you do.” Phinny kissed him softly. “I just don’t want you to think that you’re unimportant.”

Blaze kissed him in return. “I know my place, Majesty. It’s by your side.”

Phinny beamed, all bright and happy. And that was what really mattered.

With his omega and their daughter safe in his arms, Blaze relaxed, content with the world.

If you haven’t read Guarding His Enemy, grab it here!

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