October 5, 2024

So You Want A Baby? – Bonus Chapter

So You Want A Baby? bonus scene cover - Elly's Little Mice

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Elly’s Little Mice

Lance whistled, unlocking the front door of his home. It had been a good day at work—he’d gotten more wood products stocked at Wood You Mind?, and he’d even sneaked in writing an article for the magazine. Sales had been good, too.

The moment the door opened, Elliot poked his head out, Zena bundled in his arms.

Elliot wasn’t trying to hug Lance, though. Instead, he craned his neck, peering down the street.

Lance bit down his laugh. “Sweetheart?”

“Phinny just got home with his alpha,” Elliot whispered—even though Phinny’s car was all the way down the street by now. “Do you think they’re getting any closer to each other?”

Going by the variations of I HATE HIM OH GODS, PLEASE KILL ME NOW that Phinny had sent to the Meadow Street Brothers’ group chat, Lance figured they all had a long ways to go before anyone could be sure it’d work out.

“Maybe slightly,” Lance said dryly. “We could take a walk down the street with the girls. See how they’re doing.”

Elliot perked up. Lance laughed, shaking his head. “Elly, you’re more excited about Phinny’s bodyguard than you are about me! I just got home!”

“But—” For a second, Elliot flushed, looking a guilty. Then Lance winked, and Elliot understood that Lance was teasing. Elliot relaxed.

“You want him to be happy, I know.” Lance wrapped his arms around his omega, filling his lungs with that wonderful marigold scent. “Unfortunately, short of breaking into his security feed—”

“King mentioned that,” Elliot said. He looked almost partial to that idea.

Lance groaned. “If any of you do that, Phinny will absolutely murder all of us. Think of the children!”

“And you. I don’t want him to kill you, either.” Elliot cracked a smile. “I would be very upset.”

“The way to not be upset is to step away from the doors and windows, sweetheart,” Lance murmured. “I’ll get you distracted with something even more exciting.”

Elliot huffed. “Maybe when these little mice are asleep.”

Lance grinned. He’d nicknamed their daughters ‘little mice’ once, as a joke, and the nickname had gotten stuck. “When they go to bed tonight, I’ll give you another little mouse,” Lance whispered hotly in Elliot’s ear, making sure to rub Elliot’s ass so Elliot knew exactly how they’d do it. “When’s your next heat?”

Elliot flushed, but he looked happy—that was always amazing to witness. “Maybe in a few months. I don’t know. It varies with age and omega.”

Lance rumbled. “Well, it looks like we’ll have to keep trying until I get you with child.”

And now Elliot was blushing and smiling. Lance couldn’t help pressing his husband against the wall, kissing him sweetly. Between them, Zena babbled. She sounded so adorable, too.

“She takes after you,” Lance said.

Elliot frowned. “How so?”

“Both of you make me smile.” Lance kissed him again—Elliot tasted best right after Lance got home from a long day of work.

Belle walked into the living room, making a face. “Ew, you’re gonna get your cooties all over Zena.”

Lance grinned. “Come here, we’ll get cooties all over you, too.”

Belle looked horrified. Lance felt just the slightest bit sorry.

“C’mon, Princess. There’s nothing to be worried about. Your Da and I aren’t sick, are we?”

“But cooties,” she protested, shuddering.

“Your Da is a doctor,” Lance pointed out. “If cooties were real, then he’d be telling you it’s bad, wouldn’t he?”

Belle looked dubiously at Elliot, who seemed deep in thought.

“For all we know, cooties exist,” Elliot said slowly. “They probably aren’t as terrible as we think. It’s like how people might be afraid of tigers, but they’re just part of nature. Cooties might just be the same.”

“So… cooties aren’t bad?” Belle asked, still doubtful.

Elliot grinned. “If cooties are bad, then why is your daddy so happy all the time? Maybe cooties are good. Just like magic sparkles.”

“Like unicorns?” Belle asked, her eyes wide.

“Maybe!” Elliot winked at her. “You’ll have to ask a unicorn yourself.”

Belle went off in search of her unicorn books to find clues about where they lived. Lance grinned and pounced on Elliot and Zena; Zena squealed.

“Maybe I should get my cooties all over you, huh?” Lance gave his husband a suggestive nudge. “Maybe it’ll make your next heat come faster.”

Elliot flushed, but now he seemed even more keen than before. “It sounds like a worthwhile experiment,” Elliot murmured. Then he gazed at Zena in his arms, and his expression filled with even more warmth.

He was so beautiful. Even now, Lance still found it hard to believe that they were married. That they were bonded, and Elliot was his forever.

“Tonight,” Lance whispered. “I’ll spread my cooties allll over your sweet body. Massage it into your skin. Maybe it’ll help you get your next heat sooner. Maybe that’s why cooties are so feared. Because it’s actually pretty damn powerful.”

Elliot broke into a fit of giggles, turning pinker. Lance scooped him into his arms, Zena and all, and tromped after Belle so they could all spend some time together.


“What wood you think of a toadstool chair under the tree house?” Elliot said to Lance one day.

“What would I…?” Lance frowned, glancing up.

“What wood you think—” Elliot looked pointedly at him. Just waiting.

And then Lance realized that his Elly had just cracked a wood joke. He dropped his sander and grabbed Elliot around the waist in a giant bear hug. “Elly!”

Elliot laughed, squirming in his arms. “Help! Your daddy has caught me!”

“I’m gonna wood you up,” Lance growled in his ear. “I can’t believe we’ve arrived at the day when you’re making wood jokes back at me.”

“I’m not!” Elliot tried to look innocent. “I’ve just been polishing all my, um. All my… lines?” He looked sheepish. “In my head, that was going to come out sounding a lot more clever.”

“I’m gonna help polish all your shafts,” Lance whispered. “And your tips, and your heads, and maybe tighten them up a little.”

Elliot beamed and shivered. “That’s it. My tips.”

“I can think of one that really needs some polishing.” Lance let his gaze coast down Elliot’s front, until Elliot’s flush crept down his throat. “Supposedly omega juice makes for some really good polishing fluid.”

“What’s omega juice?” Belle asked.

They both froze, looking awkwardly at each other.

“Uh. Sweat,” Lance said.

“Or it could be elbow grease!” Elliot said. “That’s what adults call some really hard work.”

Lance tried so much not to crack a ‘hard’ joke.

“Elbow grease?” Belle frowned. “Why?”

They spent the next few minutes on that conversation detour, until Belle tired of Elliot’s medical explanations. Then she wandered off, and Lance grinned, cuddling his omega. “You know, you could explain that to me all day, and I’d think you’re hot as hell.”

“Me talking about sweat, really?” Elliot looked skeptical.

“Yeah.” Lance nuzzled his omega’s ear, letting his voice dip low. “I want to know how much science you can still talk about while I’m drilling into your backdoor, Elly. I want to hear your voice go high.”

Elliot’s breath rushed out; musk coiled from his skin. Instead of being shy, though, he smiled. “Will you be using me to polish your, ah, your wood?”

Lance felt his body harden, just because his omega was being so blatant about this. Because Elliot could now joke back at him, more confident in himself than he was before. “What if I told you that I’d need to sink every inch inside all at once? It polishes the best that way.”

“It might get loud,” Elliot admitted. “My body isn’t the most quiet polisher of wood.”

“Fuck, it’s the best.” Lance kissed his earlobe. “It takes all my wood, even the part where it knots. And you know what they say about knots,” Lance whispered. “They’re hard work.”

“Yours stretches my backdoor so much,” Elliot answered breathlessly. “Alpha.”

Fuck, Lance wanted him, right now. But it was still midday, and Belle was running around, showing her little sister all the fun new things. Lance had sworn to finish his work on the tree castle, too—all it needed was some final touch ups, before the castle and its bridge were officially complete.

Lance growled, slipping his hand under Elliot’s shirt. There, he dragged his wrist over Elliot’s chest, marking Elliot with his scent. “I’ll claim you tonight,” Lance promised. “Maybe… give you a third little mouse?”

Elliot’s eyes lit up. He wasn’t in heat, but the thought of a third child… Lance was glad that they were both in agreement on that.

He bit down lightly on the crook of Elliot’s neck, where his scent gland was. Elliot gasped, his ass shoving sweetly against Lance’s bulge. So fucking tempting.

“Feels good, doesn’t it?” Lance growled.

“Just as good as your nailing,” Elliot admitted.

Lance pulled their bodies flush, making sure Elliot knew how big Lance was for him. Then he released Elliot, and Elliot smiled crookedly.

“Waiting is the hardest part,” Elliot said.

“That’s just the second-hardest part.” Lance winked. “Can’t beat some hard wood.”

“Technically, you can.” Elliot laughed.

Lance swatted his ass, turning back to the tree castle so he wouldn’t be tempted to touch his omega again. Behind, he heard Elliot playing with their children, bringing Zena and Belle into the house so he could feed them.

Lance really, really loved their little family—his Mouse, and their two little mice.

Some time later, Elliot showed up in the backyard with a water glass. “I hear that trees suck up a lot of water,” Elliot said. “So I got you some to make yours grow big and strong, too.”

Lance stared at him. And then he laughed, hauling Elliot against him, sweat and all. “Yeah? How big and strong should mine grow?”

Elliot’s gaze dropped to his hips. “However big you’d like to be.”

Lance still had to clean up around the yard, but the thought of his omega so close… his instincts were way past ready to make a deposit inside Elliot. A very deep deposit.

By the time he drained his glass, he was still thirsty, but it wasn’t for water. “I need more,” Lance growled.

Elliot smiled and took the glass back, and when he returned to the house, his hips swayed—he was doing it on purpose. Lance’s cock grew thick, eager to push under all those layers of clothes Elliot wore.

He worked in the yard, Elliot at the forefront of his thoughts. When Elliot next returned, he smiled shyly, pushing a balled-up something into Lance’s pocket. Lance pulled it out—it was a wad of pastel cotton fabric. Elliot’s panties, one of those Lance had bought for him. And it was warm, smelling like marigold and musk. This had just been right between Elliot’s legs, nestled against his cock and his luscious ass.

“Are you wearing another?” Lance growled, breathing his omega’s scent off the panties.

Elliot shook his head, his cheeks turning pink.

“Fuck, Elly.” Lance hefted his bulge. “You’re gonna drive me mad with need.”

Elliot’s smile grew. “Am I, really?”

“You can already see it.” Lance adjusted his length. “Feel free to touch it.”

For a second, Elliot looked tempted. Then he tightened his hands into fists. “If I do, I don’t think I can stop.”

“Maybe we should make love in the tree castle one night,” Lance growled. “It’s big enough for the two of us in there.”

“That’s—” Elliot spluttered. “That’s probably not a good idea. But—but maybe we can do something under the tree.”

“Yeah? With me fucking your cock into the bark?” Lance grinned. “It’ll get sore, you know.”

And he could already imagine Elliot whimpering in his arms, his ass ever so wet around Lance’s cock, incoherent sounds falling from his lips.

They’d made love in the backyard a couple times, when Hayden had taken Belle out for an afternoon. Lance had milked the best sounds out of Elliot, and they’d received friendly teasing about it from the Brothers.

Just the memory of those times—Lance’s pants grew so tight, it was starting to get really uncomfortable.

“I should—I should head back in,” Elliot mumbled, his gaze locked onto Lance’s bulge.

“I could say the same,” Lance whispered, rubbing Elliot’s bottom—it had filled out since they’d first met—Elliot was far healthier now. Having more of his ass to grab was just another perk. “Driving my wood inside you feels like coming home.”

Elliot bit his lip; his musk wafted into the air. “More later?” he asked.

“Every single inch,” Lance promised. Fuck, his cock was starting to hurt. And it was still hours before they’d have time to themselves.

Elliot groaned, hurrying away. But Lance glimpsed the damp spot on the seat of his pants—he was beyond ready for Lance. Lance fought down the urge to pounce on him, and slide into Elliot’s drenched hole. Elliot would shudder if Lance did that, wouldn’t he?

Stop thinking about him, Lance told himself. But that was impossible—it was exactly why they were married.

The next few hours passed painfully slowly. When Lance finally put the children to bed, he found Elliot waiting for him in their bedroom—it smelled like a thorough mix of marigold and sycamore, and it was this smell that Lance thought of as home.

Elliot smiled, his eyes alight with anticipation. “Am I taking my clothes off, or are you?”

“Me,” Lance growled, all but climbing onto him. He ripped Elliot’s shirt up over his head. Then he all but tore Elliot’s pants down his legs, leaving Elliot’s cock springing up, hard for Lance. “Damn, Elly.”

Elliot was a sight beneath him—completely naked, his ribs now no longer visible. There were stretch marks on his belly, and he still had his grey hair. But he looked perfect to Lance.

Elliot moaned and spread his legs, pulling his asscheeks apart to show Lance his hole.

Lance’s blood surged south. Despite how much he wanted to tear off his own clothes and slam his cock in, he made himself slow down. “Take my clothes off, Elly.”

Elliot groaned; precome leaked down his flushed cock. He obeyed, though, carefully peeling Lance’s shirt off his chest. Elliot’s gaze raked down Lance’s front, his pupils dilated, his lips bitten red with need. The way he looked at Lance, all admiring and hungry, it was the sort of compliment an alpha could only hope to receive from his omega.

Then Elliot’s fingers paused at the fly of Lance’s jeans, and Lance grew so hard, he thought his cock might rip through the fabric. The zipper rasped; Lance’s cock strained behind his boxers. Elliot sucked in a sharp breath.

“My wood grew really big after you watered it,” Lance whispered. “You might need to water it more.”

“With—” Elliot gulped. “With what?”

Lance grinned. “Whatever you want, sweetheart. You could wrap your mouth around it. Or you could let me fill you up with seed. I’d give you another baby mouse.”

Elliot groaned, his cock jerking. “Please.” And he stroked his palm down Lance’s cock, his warmth soaking through the thin material of the boxers. Lance growled—it was always so good to have his omega’s touch on him. He closed Elliot’s hand around his cock and fucked hard into his fist, the exact way Elliot loved.

Elliot’s chest heaved; precome squirted out of his cock.

“This is how it’ll go inside you,” Lance rasped, the ache in his cock receding slightly now that Elliot was touching him. “Good hard strokes.”

“Are—Are you sure that’s hard enough?” Elliot gasped, spreading his legs. The musk from his hole went straight to Lance’s cock; Lance shoved off his own pants and hauled Elliot onto the pillows, his cock throbbing when Elliot spread wide for him, pulling his asscheeks apart. His hole glistened with his need; his nipples were so hard.

“One last thing,” Lance growled, needing to plow his cock into his omega so it’d stop hurting so much. “I want you to put me inside.”

Elliot groaned, raking his gaze heavily down Lance’s cock. Lance knew Elliot was already imagining it inside him, filling him up, massaging him so thoroughly that he had to bite down his screams.

His entire body trembling, Elliot rolled onto all fours, backing up against Lance, his ass so inviting that Lance almost fucked straight in. Instead, he dripped onto Elliot’s hole, swearing when Elliot closed his small hand around Lance’s cock.

Lance throbbed, trying to hold back. He needed to push into Elliot’s tight pucker, he needed to spread his omega, and make Elliot arch with pleasure.

Elliot panted, pointing Lance’s cock right at his hole. Lance’s tip kissed his skin, smearing precome over it. His throat went dry. And Elliot rocked back onto him, pushing his hole firmly onto Lance’s tip, harder and harder until it opened up around him, a tight, wet heat that swallowed the first couple inches of Lance’s cock.

Lance’s restraint shattered. He growled and pinned Elliot down, and he slammed his cock all the way into his omega, a hot, sweet rush that made Elliot’s voice crack. Elliot’s spine arched, his entire body clenching so tight that Lance knew his omega was coming right there beneath him, spurting all over the bed.

“That’s it,” Lance whispered, rocking hard into Elliot, making sure he didn’t once stop. “Take my cock, sweetheart.”

Elliot couldn’t speak. He could only shudder around Lance, his body overwhelmed with pleasure, even as Lance fucked more bliss into him.

“This is how I’ll fill you up when you go into heat,” Lance growled, pounding deeper into his ass. “Gonna fill you up until you come and come again, and all you know is your alpha claiming you inside. Giving you another baby.”

Elliot moaned, his ass sucking hungrily around Lance’s cock. When Lance ran his hand over the sheets under them, he found the wet trail of Elliot’s come, freshly wrung out of him. He brought his fingers to his lips, tasting his omega—salty and musky and bitter. Then he squeezed the remaining drops out of Elliot’s cock, bringing that to his mouth, too.

“So fucking delicious,” Lance whispered.

And he pulled his cock almost all the way out, before sinking it back into Elliot, slow and deep so Elliot felt every single inch. Elliot whimpered.

“Like my wood, Elly?” Lance asked.

Elliot nodded fervently, pushing himself down onto Lance’s cock, his ass stretching sweetly, begging to be filled.

It was too easy, though. Lance grinned and anchored Elliot down. “Sweetheart,” Lance whispered. “Tell me about medical school.”

Elliot groaned. “Wh-what?”

“Tell me about the things you learned there,” Lance said, not really meaning it. “All the little science-y details.”

Elliot fumbled. “I, um.”

“Bones,” Lance said. “Tell me about them.” And he slid deep into Elliot, a slow, insistent thrust that sent Elliot clutching at the sheets, panting.

“B-bones,” Elliot wheezed. “Um. There are t-two hundred and six of them in the—the adult human body. Babies are born with—with three hundred.”

That, Lance didn’t know. “Oh? What about this bone? It should be two hundred and seven.”

And he pushed his cock all the way into Elliot, until their hips met and he could go no further. Elliot writhed, panting, his body taut with need. “Lance!”

“Keep talking, Elly.” Lance stroked him, kissing down his back. “Tell me more about bones.” Just to be fair, he slowed down his thrusts so Elliot could think.

“There’s two types of bones,” Elliot said, his body damp with sweat. “The cortical bones are for body structure. The trabecular bones are spongy, and they help regulate calcium and other ions in the body. But they have less calcium in them than cortical bones, since they act as a reservoir of ions.”

“Mm.” Lance smiled. Elliot was so very hot like that, clever and so important to the world. “What about a bone that grows way big?”

“A…?” Elliot frowned, glancing over his shoulder.

“A big bone,” Lance said. And he thrust deep, right against Elliot’s prostate so Elliot very definitely felt that.

Elliot swore, clenching around him. “The longest bone is the femur—”

“No, the longest bone should be this,” Lance said, snapping his hips forward, burying his cock into Elliot’s tight ass. Pleasure thrummed through his body; Elliot moaned. When Lance pulled out, his cock glistened with Elliot’s slick.

“You’re ruining my biology lesson,” Elliot grumbled. Not that he looked miffed at all, when his cheeks were pink, his eyes half-shuttered in bliss.

Lance grinned. “Keep going, then.”

“Some people are born with a thirteenth rib—”

Lance plunged deep into him, and Elliot’s voice went high. “Tell me more,” Lance growled, his cock leaking into his omega.

“That’s a genetic—”

Lance thrust in again, right against his prostate. Elliot trembled violently, derailed from his train of thought. “A genetic…?”


Lance crammed his cock inside. Elliot scrabbled at the sheets, panting, his ass so hot that Lance couldn’t help giving him another thrust, then another, until Elliot whimpered and shoved his ass up high, pleading for more.

“Tell me about ribs,” Lance panted.

“Th-They…” Elliot seemed to be trying. But the harder Lance sank his cock inside, the harder it was for him to concentrate. In the end, Elliot buried his face against the pillows, pushing his bottom onto Lance’s cock. “Lance, please.”

Lance throbbed for his omega, thick and heavy all because of his Elly. He leaned in so close, burying himself completely. Elliot wheezed.

“When you go into heat again, Elly, this is how I’m going to give you our little mouse,” Lance growled into his ear. “I’m not pulling out until you’re pregnant with our baby, sweetheart. However long it takes. Hours. Days. I’ll knot you the whole time.”

Elliot shuddered, reaching back. He tangled his fingers with Lance’s, and Lance shared a sloppy kiss with him over his shoulder, pushing his tongue into Elliot’s mouth. Claiming him there, at the same time his cock marked Elliot inside.

“Ready for my come, sweetheart? Ready for another baby?”

Elliot nodded quickly, his hole squeezing. “Please.”

Lance began a hard rhythm that made Elliot cry out, his spine arching again, his cock spurting more come. And even more come. When Lance could no longer milk any more juices out of him, he sank his teeth into the scent gland at Elliot’s neck, hissing when Elliot clenched around him. “Mine,” Lance growled.

Elliot sobbed and came, and his climax hauled Lance over the edge, ripping pleasure through him in a violent surge. Lance buried himself deep. Through the bliss flooding his senses, he felt Elliot trembling beneath him, eagerly accepting every ounce of love that Lance filled him with.

Lance wrapped his arms around his omega, pulling their sweaty bodies flush together. Then he rolled them onto their sides, rumbling when his knot began to swell inside Elliot.

“Imagine that there’s a baby in here right now.” Lance traced circles over Elliot’s belly. “Do you think it’ll be a girl or a boy?”

Elliot sagged against him, still catching his breath. His cheeks were flushed a pretty red. “I don’t know. Either would be wonderful.”

Lance grinned. “I almost want to start building a bed for our next little one.”

“Already? I’m not even in heat yet,” Elliot mumbled. He was smiling, though.

“That doesn’t mean we can’t be ready.”

Lance trailed his wrist all over Elliot, wrapping himself around his omega. Elliot felt small against him—he always did. But that only made Lance even more protective.

He imagined the new addition to their family—Elliot as Big Mouse, and their little-mouse children growing up happy in their home. It sounded so amazing that he wanted to help Elliot go into heat again—so they could grow their family sooner. And make Elly even happier.

“Right, I’m gonna look up ways to get you in heat,” Lance said. “There’s home remedies on the internet, right?”

Elliot groaned. “Lance, it doesn’t work that way.”

“We’ll see if there’s any fun ones.” Lance dropped kisses all over his omega. Elliot shook his head, but he was amused, and also delighted.

Lance could already picture how the next few months would play out.


Belle was six when Elliot gave birth to her second sister. “Her eyes are so small,” Belle said, hugging Zena. “Look, Zena! Pris’ eyes are even smaller than yours. And you were a smaaall baby.”

Lance laughed, kissing Elliot’s forehead. “All baby eyes are small, Bee-lee. Even yours when you were a baby.”

“I wasn’t that small!” Belle protested.

Elliot chuckled tiredly, but he was watching their children, a gentle smile on his face. The birth had been easier on him this time, his body now familiar with what it had to do. Lance had still been worried, though. But it was such a relief when everything had turned out well.

He cradled Priscilla in his arms, snuggling next to his omega on the hospital bed.

“Prisisla,” Belle said.

“No, her name is pronounced Pris-cilla,” Elliot replied. He reached over, gently stroking their newborn.

“She’s beautiful,” Lance whispered again. “You did great.”

“Well, you contributed to her genes,” Elliot pointed out, ever the doctor.

“You’ve been carrying her all this time,” Lance said. “And you’ve been eating really well, too.”

Elliot glanced at his body, smiling. Looking at him now, Lance acknowledged that Elliot hadn’t always been healthy, and he hadn’t always been this happy. He’d come very far, though. He’d been at a healthy weight ever since Zena’s birth, and to have him still be happy now, two years later—Lance was glad for him.

“Thank you for bringing so much joy to our family,” Lance whispered.

Elliot bowed his head. “Thank you for staying by my side.”

“Always, sweetheart.” Lance set Priscilla on Elliot’s chest, waving Belle and Zena closer, too. “Let’s all give your Da a big hug!”

Elliot laughed, his eyes bright when Lance helped Zena onto the bed. Belle scrambled up to join them. “I love all of you,” Elliot said warmly.

“We love you,” Lance murmured.

Next to him, Belle said, “I love you, too!”

And Zena added, “Wuv yoo!”

Priscilla yawned, her eyes squinted shut.

“There, she’s saying she loves you, too,” Lance told Elly.

Elliot beamed, cradling his children close. Lance’s heart swelled so full, it felt as though it might burst. He kissed Elliot’s temple, stroking his wrist over each of their children in turn. Then, he left his scent marking on Elliot, too.

Lance was thankful for his family each and every day. Even more than that, he was thankful for the omega who had stolen his heart, and who continued to light up his life every moment they were together and apart.

“Can’t wait to bring you home, Elly,” Lance murmured. “And maybe… at some point we can get married, all over again? We might even have three warrior mice bearing the rings this time.”

Elliot looked surprised, and then pleased. And Lance knew that Elliot would stay by his side for years to come.

If you haven’t read So You Want A Baby?, grab it here!