October 5, 2024

Boss Daddy’s Knots – Bonus Chapter

Boss Daddy's Knots bonus scene cover - Five Days of Knots

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Chapter 1: Wilkie’s Heat, Day One

The cartoon’s credits rolled on the TV. In Wilkie’s arms, Paula began to nod off. He stroked her back and turned down the volume, smiling when she thumped lightly against his chest, fast asleep.

It had been a long day for her—first a walk in the park, where Paula had chased Crumbs everywhere. Wilkie had run after them both, yelling at his daughter not to yank on Crumbs’ tail. Then Paula had raced over to the playground, and she’d slid down every slide five times, before demanding that Wilkie play Catch with her.

They’d been in the middle of a chase on the lush field when King picked them up for lunch. At home, King had gotten Paula to make her own sandwich, giving Wilkie a bit of a break.

Then they’d played Hide And Seek. With his size, it was next to impossible for King to hide anywhere; he’d taken to crouching and holding a bedsheet around himself—that always made Wilkie giggle. And Paula definitely had no trouble burrowing under the sheets to find her Papa.

King stopped in the doorway of the living room now, a smile curving his lips. “Bedtime?”

“For me and Pauly,” Wilkie mumbled. “I’m sleepy, too.”

“I’ll take you both upstairs.” King carefully gathered Paula up so he wouldn’t wake her. Then he shifted her to one arm, and scooped Wilkie up with his other arm.

If there was one thing about their size difference Wilkie loved, it was this.

“Damn, Daddy,” Wilkie whispered when King braced Wilkie against his chest. With just one arm. “You’re so strong.”

“This is precisely why I lift weights,” King murmured in his ear. “So I’ll make my boy drool.”

“I’m not drooling.” Wilkie wiped his mouth just in case.

King huffed and carried them both upstairs, Crumbs tagging along. In Paula’s room, he deposited her on the bed, pulling the covers up to her little shoulders. “Watch her, Crumbs.”

Crumbs wagged his tail. And King swept Wilkie off his feet again, bringing him to their bedroom.

King smelled especially good today. Wilkie couldn’t help pressing his nose against his alpha’s chest, filling his lungs with cedar. He couldn’t get enough of that scent.

“How are you and Paula getting along?” King asked, shutting their bedroom door.

Wilkie frowned. “I love her. You already know that.”

“I was just checking.” King’s mouth twitched. “Ever thought about having another?”

Oh. Wilkie froze, grunting when King dropped him onto the bed. It sounded like a very good idea. “You’re saying that because…?”

King’s voice dipped into a growl. “Because you’re going into heat, Wilkie. I can smell it on your skin.”

And the unspoken question between them: Do you want a baby from me this time?

Wilkie’s breath left his lungs. He was wide-awake, suddenly. “Um.”

His alpha leaned in, planting his hands on either side of Wilkie’s shoulders, his gaze dark. “You feel your heat yet?”

Now that Wilkie was turning his attention inward, he felt the mild ache in his body, that he’d thought was him wearing himself out at the park. But no, that wasn’t exhaustion. Wilkie knew this feeling—it was the building intensity of his heat, a barely-there heaviness one hour, and a roaring need the next.

“Yeah.” His throat went dry. “I think it’s coming.”

A growl tumbled from King’s lips; he pinned Wilkie flat against the bed, all but crawling on top of him. “How long do your heats usually last, boy?”

“Five—five days.” Wilkie gulped. “What do you have in mind?”

And King met his eyes, a promise in his smile. “I’ll give you time to decide.”

“If I already have?”

“Nope.” King shook his head. “I want you to think about this carefully. You’ll tell me your answer on the fifth day.”

Wilkie’s heart sank. “Does that mean you won’t touch me until then?”

“I didn’t say that.” King’s gaze warmed; he kissed Wilkie full on the lips, and Wilkie’s heat swelled, a deep ache that would only grow until it became unbearable. “I got us some condoms.”

“New ones?” They hadn’t used any since the day Paula was born—Wilkie didn’t like the thought of them separating him from his alpha.

“Yes, actually.” King laughed. “Thought we should get some fresh ones.” He grabbed a box from the nightstand, dropping it on Wilkie’s chest. “You’ll be the one putting them on me.”

“That’s just torture.” Wilkie glanced at the box—it was a pack of twenty-four. “Are we… going to use them all?”

King’s smile widened. “Every single one, boy.”

And Wilkie’s heat surged through him like a tidal wave, soaking through his limbs, through his loins, pulling his muscles tight with need. He gasped, his cock growing thick, his ass aching—even though it couldn’t produce slick.

“Beautiful,” King whispered, sliding his fingers into Wilkie’s hair. “I hate that I wasn’t with you during your previous heat. I’ll make it up to you this time.”

He hooked his fingers into Wilkie’s pants, yanking them down Wilkie’s legs, leaving him bare from the waist down. Wilkie’s cock sprang up; King ignored it.

“I don’t know how I’ll survive five days of this,” Wilkie mumbled. “It’s too much.”

“Four days. I’ll hear your decision on the fifth.”

Wilkie groaned. No matter how many times you fucked an alpha during your heat, the need never truly faded until you’d reached the end of it, or you conceived. Even when you’d received an alpha’s knot, the bone-aching desire only ebbed, but it never truly stopped.

Which was why King had gotten the bulk box of condoms. Because Wilkie was going to need a knot every few hours, just to get his heat bearable enough that he could focus on anything else.

“Twenty-four seems like a lot of orgasms.” Wilkie glanced at King. “Are you sure you can do it, Daddy?”

King seemed kind of doubtful, too. They’d never tried for that many in a row. At least, on King’s end. “I guess we’ll see, won’t we?”

Wilkie grinned mischievously. “We could always use a plug if you’re not feeling up to it.”

King spanked him. Then he lifted Wilkie’s leg to expose more of his ass, and spanked him again. “Are you questioning your alpha, boy?”

“I am.” Wilkie wriggled. “I mean, you could wear two at a time. That’ll use them up quicker, right?”

“That’ll just break them,” his alpha growled.

“What about three layers of condoms—”

“Boy.” King cracked his palm across Wilkie’s thigh—a jolt of pain and pleasure shot through Wilkie. For a moment, he couldn’t tell if King was pissed at him for joking about this, or if King was pissed at himself because, if they were being honest, being forty-eight didn’t exactly give him very high odds of coming twenty times in four days.

“Once a day is perfectly fine,” Wilkie hurried to say. “I’m not picky about it. I don’t want you to be mad at yourself just because we’re trying to use up a box of condoms. Even if it sounded really hot when you said we’d finish them all.”

For a moment, King stared at him. Then his mouth curved into a fierce smile. “Gods, I love you.”

“But I was just saying—mmph!” Wilkie forgot the rest of his words when King crashed their lips together, his tongue pushing possessively into Wilkie’s mouth.

Heat flooded between Wilkie’s thighs. In his mouth, King’s touch was damp and intimate, tangling with his tongue, tasting him there. Wilkie’s body reacted with fervent want.

King caught Wilkie’s knees, pinning them wide open. “If you could hear yourself, boy,” King growled. “So fucking lovely.”

Wilkie didn’t know what King was hearing. All he’d done was pant. But King leaned in and ground his bulge against Wilkie’s cock, all rough material against sensitive flesh, pushing up against Wilkie’s sac. Bliss shot up Wilkie’s nerves. He spread his legs wider, offering King his ass. “Please, please.”

King paused. Then he wheezed, his pupils blowing wide, his musk crashing into Wilkie like a sledgehammer. “Fuck,” King hissed.

When King next looked up, his gaze had taken on a primal, ravenous edge. He looked like he’d tear off his own clothes and fuck Wilkie right there.

“You’re in a rut,” Wilkie realized, his breath leaving his lungs. He’d never seen King in a rut before. And he was thankful that he’d taken King’s cock just a couple days ago—it would kill them both to prep Wilkie again.

Wilkie reached down and grabbed his asscheeks, spreading for King on instinct.

“Don’t.” King yanked Wilkie’s hands off his ass. “Not yet. Put that on me.”

He shoved the box of condoms at Wilkie; it was covered in a thin plastic film, the sort that was next to impossible to open. Wilkie scrabbled at it, his hole squeezing, his lungs filled with musk and cedar. “I can’t open it!”

“Damn it.” King grabbed a utility knife from the nightstand, slicing down the plastic. Then he tore it off and ripped the box apart, and the condoms spilled onto the bed in long strips.

“Can you tie me up with that?” Wilkie asked as King ripped off one foil square.

“Not effectively.” King gave a hungry smile. “But I can wrap them around your hips, and they’ll say, ‘Fuck me, Daddy.’”

Wilkie moaned, flipping onto his front. King turned him back roughly.

“Don’t forget,” King growled, ripping open the foil packet. “Put that on me first. And I’ll give you my cock.”

Wilkie’s hole squeezed.

King unbuckled his belt and yanked open his fly, his cock shoving up between them, thick and musky, so big that Wilkie moaned.

He took the slippery disc and fitted it against King’s tip. The smooth metal of King’s piercing pressed against the condom. Wilkie’s, the engraving said. Wilkie smiled.

“All yours,” King murmured, following his gaze.

It always gave Wilkie such a kick to have that piercing—and King’s cock—penetrate him. That part of King was his. All of King was his, really. The wedding bands gleamed on their fingers. Sometimes, Wilkie still found that hard to believe.

“If you fuck me too hard, will this break the condom?” Wilkie asked, fingering the captive bead ring through the latex.

“It shouldn’t. The ring’s smooth all over. Condom isn’t tight around it.” King checked his tip. Then he squeezed Wilkie’s hand. “Roll it down fully, boy.”

Wilkie smoothed down the rest of the condom. While he did that, King grabbed a new bottle of lube. Like the package of condoms, the lube, too, was a bulk bottle. Wilkie groaned. “You prepared real well for this.”

King’s gaze darkened. “You won’t go far from our bed these few days, Wilkie.”

Wilkie shivered and scrambled onto all fours, pushing his ass high in the air. So King could see just how much he needed to be filled.

“Fuck,” King snarled. He cracked his palm against Wilkie’s ass; pain and pleasure shot through Wilkie’s body.

He jerked, his hole squeezing. “King, please,” Wilkie whined.

King rubbed Wilkie’s hole, dipping the tip of his thumb into Wilkie’s body, pulling it out, and pushing it back in. He played with it until Wilkie sobbed and writhed, until Wilkie’s legs shook and he could barely keep himself upright anymore.

King switched out the lid of the lube bottle—instead of a flip-cap thing, all it had now was a blunt nozzle. King pressed that smooth plastic tip against Wilkie’s hole, and pushed it in. Wilkie gasped. It was a smooth, hard presence inside. Cool lube squirted into Wilkie’s body—so much of it.

Wilkie pressed his face against the mattress. It felt like they’d taken forever to get here. He needed to be filled. He needed his alpha pumping him full of come. “Now, please.”

King smeared lube down his cock. Then he mounted Wilkie and fitted his thick tip against Wilkie’s hole, and he thrust inside without warning, filling Wilkie up with half his cock.

Before Wilkie could scream, King shoved his palm against Wilkie’s mouth. And he slammed the rest of his cock in, so deep that Wilkie arched and cried out, his body clenching around his alpha.

“That’s it, boy,” King rasped into his ear. “Take my whole cock.”

And he began a harsh rhythm, in and out, one that was so familiar, but so unbelievably good.

Wilkie had taken his alpha countless times by this point. It was always amazing, though, when King massaged him inside with that thick length, when King’s cock ground so sweetly against Wilkie’s prostate, sending electricity sizzling through his entire body.

“I need you to be quiet, boy,” King whispered. “The longer you keep quiet, the longer I get to fuck you.”

Wilkie nodded desperately, biting down on his lip to keep his mouth shut.

King reached down and grasped Wilkie’s cock—it was rock-hard, and too close to the edge.

Wilkie came with a choked-off scream, clenching around his alpha. King swore and fucked him through that release, his cock pounding in, grinding harder against Wilkie’s prostate.

And Wilkie came a second time—his insides squeezing, pleasure throbbing through his body, his balls only managing a tiny squirt of come with how close his orgasms were to each other.

King continued to ride him. He pounded into Wilkie, pressing Wilkie’s chest down against the mattress, their hips slapping together as King fucked into him over and over, until his cock thickened and his breathing grew ragged. Wilkie’s body reacted to his alpha, pulling tight again.

“Ready to come another time?” King panted. “I’m close, boy.”

“Yes,” Wilkie croaked, his voice rough with need. “I want all of it, please. Give me a baby.”

King roared and began a vicious rhythm, his cock slamming into Wilkie, stretching him open. He gripped Wilkie’s hips bruisingly tight and crammed every last inch inside, and Wilkie felt the steady pulsing of King’s release, come pumping out through his cock into Wilkie’s body.

Wilkie’s release ripped through him in a violent rush, arching his spine, curling his toes. If it weren’t for King’s palm against his mouth, Wilkie’s scream would’ve filled the room. Instead, he shuddered against his husband, his body tingling with the aftershocks of his orgasm, his lungs struggling for air.

They collapsed together into a heap, King pulling Wilkie flush against his chest, his knot beginning to swell. That thickness stretched Wilkie further, soothing and heavy. Wilkie loved that it meant they’d be stuck together for the next half-hour.

King pressed kisses all over Wilkie’s skin, his wrist dragging down Wilkie’s body. “Good boy.”

Wilkie’s heart warmed. “That was perfect,” he mumbled. His eyelids drifted shut.

It wouldn’t be long until he’d need his hunger sated again. For now, he got to rest.

Chapter 2: Day Two

Wilkie woke to a familiar hunger in his body, one that made him need, even before he knew what was causing it.

King was still sleeping, his chest rising and falling peacefully. Wilkie ran his hand over that firm muscle, biting down a groan. Just touching his alpha—that made his body tingle all over. Then he slipped his fingers down King’s abs, and further down—


King was hard.

It was always a treat when King’s body did this while he slept. Wilkie smiled to himself, his blood swooping between his legs. He let his fingers drift over the metal piercing, then down the ridge of his alpha’s cock, all the way to his heavy balls.

Did they have any come left? King had gone into a rut yesterday. Then he’d smelled Wilkie, and he’d gone into another rut. And then a third time. Each time, he’d plundered Wilkie’s hole over and over, coming into a condom.

Last night, when he’d been absolutely tired out from the day, King had said, If I catch you riding my cock when I wake, you’re going to be punished.

The look in his eyes… he’d meant a thorough spanking. Which was as good as an invite to mount him right now, and see if Wilkie could wake him with an orgasm.

His cock growing stiff, Wilkie turned as slowly as he could, tearing open a foil square from the roll on the nightstand. Then he grabbed the lube bottle, moved it behind himself, and nudged its blunt nozzle between his cheeks.

It wasn’t his first time, but he felt naughty anyway. The plastic tip pushed against his hole—it was as wide as his index finger. Wilkie gasped as it stretched him, invading him inside. His cock thickened; cool lube squirted into his body.

He added extra lube, just in case. Then he eased down the covers, slipped the condom gently over King’s tip, and rolled it down his cock. Wilkie pushed three fingers into himself, getting his hole all prepped for his alpha. When it was properly relaxed, he squirted lube onto his palm, and slicked up King’s sheathed cock. And now it was all ready for him.

Gingerly, so he wouldn’t wake his alpha, Wilkie straddled King, leaning back for some balance. This pushed his ass against King’s tip; it slid between his cheeks, nudging big and heavy against his hole. Wilkie bit down his groan.

He grasped King’s length with the lightest touch, gently pushing back until his hole stretched around his alpha’s tip, taking it in. Then, Wilkie sat down on King’s cock, his breath punching out of his lungs when King stretched more and more of his body, going so deep that Wilkie’s own cock strained.

King grunted; Wilkie froze, trying not to move. It was hard to, with King’s thick cock inside him, tempting him to ride it hard.

When King didn’t seem to wake, Wilkie let himself bob up and down—his alpha’s cock sank inside, a thick, sinful length that reminded him where exactly they joined. Wilkie’s cock began to drip.

He sat down a little harder; King’s cock shoved right against his prostate. Pleasure jolted through his insides. Wilkie bit his lip and rode his alpha, daring to sink further down onto King, all the way until his ass pushed against King’s hips, and King’s cock was so deep inside, it was all he could do not to moan at the pleasure.

Wilkie’s body spasmed; he tried to hold back his climax. But King’s cock jerked inside him, and Wilkie ground down, needing more.

The pressure inside drove him over the edge; he choked and shoved his palm against his lips, pleasure searing through his body. Wilkie moaned and spurted all over King’s chest, at the same time King sucked in a deep breath, opening his eyes.

Wilkie tried to freeze. It was impossible to when he was struggling to catch his breath, jet after jet of incriminating come still squirting out his tip, landing all over his alpha.

King studied the come on his chest. Then his gaze slid heavily up Wilkie, pausing at his debauched cock and his stretchmarked belly, and then up his chest, to his face.

“Morning, boy,” King rasped, his voice deeper than it usually was at this time of the day. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“I, um.” Wilkie grinned. “I fell onto your cock. It jabbed into my hole and I was struggling to get away.”

King snorted. Then he slapped Wilkie’s thigh. “Raise yourself up.”

Wilkie moved up a few inches to show King his cock. “I remembered the condom.”

“That means you’ll get a lighter punishment,” King growled. He gathered Wilkie’s come off his chest, licking it off his fingers with a pleased rumble. Then he caught Wilkie under the arms, lifted him, and leaned in, closing his hot mouth around Wilkie’s tip.

Pleasure and discomfort jolted down Wilkie’s legs; Wilkie bucked against him. And yet King didn’t stop with the torment. He set Wilkie on his knees, holding him, just sucking on Wilkie’s spent cock.

Except he spanked Wilkie’s ass. Pain and pleasure shot through Wilkie’s body; Wilkie gasped.

“This is your punishment,” King rumbled around Wilkie’s tip. And he spanked Wilkie harder and harder, sucking on him, the mixed discomfort and pleasure growing more and more intense. Wilkie writhed.

“Count them,” King growled. “Start with one.”

He slapped Wilkie’s ass.

“One,” Wilkie panted, holding King’s broad shoulders for support. King spanked him again. “Two, three.”

King rumbled in approval. And his spanking continued, getting stronger, faster, until Wilkie’s ass began to sting and he was squirming away from King’s hands, pushing his cock deeper into King’s mouth. “King, please—”

“Count them,” King growled, his tongue flicking against Wilkie’s tip, pushing under his foreskin in an intimate touch. With each strike, Wilkie’s cock grew thicker, until it ground against King’s tongue, unabashed and needy, and Wilkie’s hole began to squeeze again. King was still hard. He could put that cock back into Wilkie, and ride him until he came.

“Boy,” King snapped, his palm landing on Wilkie’s ass painfully hard—the impact went straight to Wilkie’s cock, and precome squirted out. “Start counting again.”

Wilkie writhed. “But I need—”

“What do you need?”

“Your cock. Your knot.” Wilkie wriggled his hips. “May I show you my hole? Please?”

King slapped his ass. “You may.”

Wilkie pulled out of King’s mouth, his cock glistening, tiny next to King’s length. He shuffled around on the bed, grasped his asscheeks, and pulled them apart to expose his entrance.

King swore. And his fingers ground against Wilkie’s hole, lube smearing between them.

He plunged two straight into Wilkie and stretched him open. Wilkie gasped. “Fuck,” King groaned. “You’ve gotten yourself all ready for me.”

“You’ve been stretching me inside since I woke up,” Wilkie admitted. “With your cock.”

King’s nostrils flared. And he wheezed, tensing in a way that lit Wilkie up, because King was going into a rut, all over again.

And that meant he’d put his cock inside Wilkie, hard and rough, all the way until he came.

When King recovered somewhat, his gaze was coal-dark, his cock thicker than before. He eased Wilkie forward onto all fours. Then he grabbed the bottle of lube and pushed its nozzle back into Wilkie, squirting hard. Wilkie gasped at the coolness inside him.

“Your punishment isn’t over yet,” King murmured. “Count the strokes. Start from fifty.”

Wilkie whimpered and raised his hips. King cracked his palm across Wilkie’s throbbing cheeks. Wilkie panted. “Fifty, fifty-one.”

King set the lube bottle aside. He pumped his cock, spanking Wilkie over and over, even as his tip pushed between Wilkie’s cheeks, sinking into Wilkie’s ass.

“Ah!” Wilkie arched, his eyelids fluttering shut. He might’ve been hurting, but King’s cock soothed him from inside, good, hard thrusts that made all the spanking worth it.

“You clench whenever I spank you,” King murmured. His palm landed on Wilkie’s ass; Wilkie jerked. King hissed.

Then he pushed Wilkie down against the mattress and pinned him there, and as he struck Wilkie’s ass, he began a hard rhythm that sent his piercing grinding against Wilkie’s prostate, over and over until Wilkie’s precome drenched the sheets, and his cock pulsed so hard, he thought he might come right there.

“I can’t—” Wilkie’s voice broke.

King didn’t once stop with the spanking. Or the fucking. His strikes came as sharp jolts of pain and pleasure, and his cock lit Wilkie up inside with its demanding thrusts, over and over until Wilkie mumbled incoherently, hurting and aching, his balls pulled tight.

“Think about it,” King growled. “I could put a baby inside you, right now.”

That hauled Wilkie over the edge. Pleasure lanced through his body, arching his spine, and he barely shoved his hand against his mouth, a scream ripping out of him as King pounded him through his release.

Vaguely, he felt King stiffen up behind him, thrusting in deep, his cock pulsing inside Wilkie’s body. Instead of Wilkie, he was filling the condom with come.

Then, before Wilkie could recover, King began grinding his cock against Wilkie’s prostate.

King had already orgasmed; he couldn’t immediately after. But his knot was growing, his cock still hard. He fitted his cock deep into Wilkie and rocked his hips, each stroke pushing insistently against where Wilkie was sensitive. Wilkie shuddered at the pleasure.

“Should I stop?” King whispered.

Wilkie shook his head. And King began an unrelenting grinding, his knot locking them together, pushing on Wilkie inside until Wilkie reached the edge again, and pleasure crashed through him.

Then King did it again. And again.

King pleasured Wilkie with his knot, over and over until Wilkie couldn’t think or breathe.

At the end of it, when King’s knot finally receded, he withdrew his cock. It was wrapped in the condom, its tip heavy with come.

“Could’ve been a baby.” King met Wilkie’s eyes. “Think about it. Two more days, boy.”

Wilkie fought against the drowsiness that tried to consume him. “Can’t I tell you now?”

“Nope.” King shook his head. “I made a promise, and that was to make up for your previous heat. I won’t give you a baby until this heat’s almost over.”

Wilkie whined. But King gathered him close and kissed his nape, making another promise with it.

It said, On the fifth day, I’ll give you a baby.

Chapter 3: Days Three and Four

Close to midnight on the second day, King bent Wilkie over on the island counter. He took Wilkie there, over and over until Wilkie’s come streaked the smooth surface.

The next morning, Wilkie woke him up with a blowjob. And King went into yet another rut, pulling Wilkie onto him, pounding into Wilkie from below, until Wilkie’s hole yielded completely and it gaped when King finally pulled out.

King went into a rut thrice more that day, bending Wilkie over the bed, then the bathroom counter, and then he fucked Wilkie up against the bedroom window, pushing Wilkie’s bare cock against the windowpane.

On the fourth day, King kept Wilkie’s hole open with a plug. That allowed Wilkie’s heat to ebb a little, so he could leave the house for a bit to go on a walk. But Wilkie’s heat was distracting; he couldn’t wait to go home.

“We’ve used nine so far,” Wilkie said breathlessly when Paula was finally napping. “I need your cock inside.”

As if on cue, King’s rut surged into him. He ripped off Wilkie’s pants, barely prepping Wilkie with lube before he slammed inside.

Wilkie had lost track of the sheer volume of come that King had denied him. Over and over, he’d looked at the condoms as King peeled them off himself, his body aching with desire.

“I want your come, please,” Wilkie begged. “King, please.”

“Tomorrow,” King promised. And he crammed every last inch into Wilkie, until Wilkie howled and his eyes rolled back into his head.

Chapter 4: Day Five

Wilkie woke with only one goal in mind. It was the fifth day. The day King had promised not to use a condom anymore.

Next to him, King was already awake, counting the number of foil packets that had survived Wilkie’s heat so far.

“Looks like we used eleven,” King rumbled.

Wilkie groaned. “You’re counting them?”

“Shouldn’t we?” King smiled.

Wilkie peeked between King’s legs. No condom there. That was a very good thing. “Are you going to give it to me now?”

“No.” King’s eyes darkened. “But you’ll get my seed today, boy.”

A whine escaped Wilkie. “It’s been four days!”

“And the fifth has barely begun.”

Wilkie turned around, presenting for him. Just showing King the hole he’d been claiming day after day, stretching to his every whim during the course of Wilkie’s heat.

King growled and spanked his hole, a sharp impact that made Wilkie jerk. But Wilkie pushed his ass back at King, too desperate not to keep at it.

“Boy,” King rumbled, smacking Wilkie’s hole again. It tingled like the devil had licked it, and Wilkie moaned.

“Please, Daddy,” Wilkie begged, rubbing his ass against his alpha’s palm. “Fill me up inside. I need you there.”

King bit off his groan. “You don’t listen, do you?”

“Not when I want your big cock inside me!” Wilkie growled. “You aren’t the one in heat day and night, King. You aren’t the one who needs to be given a baby, right fucking now.”

King’s eyes flashed. “You might need to learn more patience, boy.”

Wilkie whimpered. “More?”

And King reached for the nightstand, pulling out a bundle of rope. “No condoms today,” King murmured. “I promised that much.”

He folded Wilkie’s leg loosely, wrapping a length of rope around it. Then he anchored Wilkie’s ankle to his other knee so there was no way he could close his legs. King tugged at Wilkie’s legs to make sure the bindings were secure. The whole time, Wilkie’s cock strained up at him, brushing King’s arm whenever King wrapped the ropes down his thigh. King ignored that touch; Wilkie bit his lip, every contact sending a whisper of pleasure down his cock.

King tied Wilkie’s arms behind his back. Then he took a bundle of rougher rope, and wrapped that around Wilkie’s balls. Wilkie groaned. He felt the texture of that rope immediately, a rough, insistent presence that wasn’t so forgiving.

King retrieved the little steel tag he’d presented Wilkie with before they’d gotten married. The one that said, King’s omega. This tag, he tied to the base of Wilkie’s cock, letting it rest against the top of Wilkie’s sac.

Wilkie felt that claim all over his body. “You’ll fuck me after this, right?”

King smiled. And he wrapped the same rough rope around Wilkie’s cock, tying it off before he reached Wilkie’s sensitive, hooded tip.

The rest of that rope, he pulled over to Wilkie’s unbound calf—all the way to his foot. And he tied it off, looping it around Wilkie’s big toe. “There,” King murmured. “See if you can come like that.”

Wilkie flipped his foot up and down; the rope tugged on his cock, its rough surface digging into his skin. He felt the pressure. But it wasn’t anywhere near enough for him to come. He whined. “Are you going to lube me up?”

“Yeah.” King’s voice dipped into a rasp. “I’ll let you have a taste.”

He turned Wilkie onto his side; the plastic nozzle of the lube bottle brushed between Wilkie’s cheeks. King grabbed his ass and spread it, and cool lube squirted onto his hole. Then the nozzle pushed against him and plunged inside, stretching him open. Wilkie’s cock strained at that invasion. More fluid flowed into him—so much of it. He groaned and squeezed around the nozzle; King pulled the bottle out.

And his blunt, slippery tip slipped between Wilkie’s asscheeks, nudging right up against his hole. Wilkie’s breath rushed out of him. King eased his tip into Wilkie, a thick, blissful presence. Then he pulled Wilkie onto him, his cock probing inside, pushing deeper until it was buried halfway. King’s breath hitched. “Fuck, boy.”

Wilkie squeezed around him, trying to tempt him to fuck deeper. For a moment, it seemed to work. King leaned in and rolled his hips, and his whole cock sank into Wilkie, so thick that Wilkie panted, just taking him. His own cock leaked.

Except King slid out completely. And he sat up, pulling on a shirt. “I’m gonna go feed Pauly,” he growled. “Keep that hole ready for me.”

Wilkie thrashed and whined, but his alpha was resolute in his decision. King pulled his pants up his legs, tucked his cock away, and headed out of their bedroom, leaving the door ajar.

Wilkie swore. He tried to yank on the rope connecting to his cock, but all it did was jerk his cock back and forth, taunting him.

He rolled onto his back; precome dripped onto his belly. That didn’t work. He squirmed into a sitting position, and that was no better.

Then he managed to flip around onto his front, his cock shoving against the mattress, a sweet pressure that had him jerking and moaning, humping the bunched-up sheets.

He was on the way to his release, his body pulled tight, the sheets damp with precome, when King growled behind him. “Boy.”

He cracked his palm across Wilkie’s ass, rolling him onto his back. King had narrowed his eyes, his lips pressed thin with displeasure. And in his pants, his cock thickened. Wilkie moaned, pulling his legs closer to himself, showing King his ass. Maybe King would fuck him now.

“You’re a devil,” King growled, hauling Wilkie closer. Then he cracked his palms over Wilkie’s thighs and rolled him onto his knees, spanking his ass. Pain and pleasure shot through Wilkie’s body, making his cock so hard, it hurt.

“Please,” Wilkie gasped. “Put it inside.”

King seemed to hesitate for a second. Then he ripped open his pants, and he shoved his tip into Wilkie—the lube had dried on his cock, and it burned a little on the way in. But Wilkie’s alpha was inside him; it was so much better than going without.

He sobbed with gratitude, pushing down onto King, trying to take him deeper.

“This is your punishment for disobeying,” King growled. Then he sank his cock deeper, and it burned and stretched Wilkie inside. Except the friction made him feel so much bigger than he already was. Wilkie moaned, his body singing.

“Boy,” King snapped. He slapped Wilkie’s ass; Wilkie arched. “This is a punishment. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” Wilkie whimpered. King sank in deeper. Every inch lit Wilkie up inside, burning but still so very good. Wilkie’s body grew hot; he choked on his moan.

“You’re going to come from this?” King growled, reaching around to grasp Wilkie’s cock. Then he crammed his cock in all the way, a hot rush of pain and pleasure that said, Mine. Wilkie came with a cry, spurting all over King’s hand.

“Fuck,” King hissed. He yanked himself out of Wilkie, but then he wheezed, his entire body tensing, his cock growing thick, now glistening with the lube that had been inside.

“Inside,” Wilkie pleaded. “I’m so ready for you.”

“No,” King panted. His pupils had blown wide, and his cock looked like it would rip any piece of clothing King tried to wear. “I wasn’t going to stay long.”

Wilkie wasn’t sure how an alpha could ignore his rut. Or even do anything but fuck when he went into one.

King yanked his pants back up, zipping his fly. His cock leaked precome through the fabric. “I’ll be back.”

Then he strode out of their bedroom, and Wilkie listened out for his alpha, his limbs feeling boneless after his release.

He tried to think about something aside from King, but his heat brought his thoughts back to his bare skin, his growing cock, and his too-empty hole.

Then, after what felt like half an hour, King returned. The tip of his bulge had turned into a dark splotch of fabric—not come. Just King’s precome, leaking and leaking as it prepared him for Wilkie.

Wilkie’s breath stuck in his throat. He tried to offer himself to his alpha; King strode over, yanked open his pants, and his cock shoved out.

Wilkie moaned. Was King finally going to…? King lubed up his cock, turned Wilkie onto his side, and pushed his cock roughly in, a hard sliding pressure that opened Wilkie up inside. Wilkie gasped; his entire body pulsed with pleasure. His hole squeezed with his alpha’s presence.

King stayed there for a second. Then he yanked himself out, his breaths coming heavier than before. And Wilkie realized that King wasn’t staying this time, either. “Please,” Wilkie whined. “I need you.”

“Soon,” King growled, his eyes dark pools of desire. Then, with trembling hands, he tucked his cock back, and strode out.

Wilkie tried not to whine, his hole too empty. It wasn’t enough just to have a taste of King.

Twice more, King returned to their bed, yanking Wilkie close, slamming his cock into Wilkie’s ass—just one thrust each time. Wilkie knew his alpha wouldn’t have the control to leave if he’d let himself have more.

On the third time, King shut the door. His irises were a thin ring of blue, his musk so thick that Wilkie couldn’t smell anything else. And King ripped his pants open, his cock straining up, precome dripping from his tip. “Fuck, Wilkie.”

“Inside,” Wilkie begged, trying to show King his hole. “Please, Daddy.”

King snarled and pinned Wilkie face-down against the mattress. He crammed the lube nozzle into Wilkie and emptied a full third of the bottle in there. Then he tore off the rest of his clothes, slicked down his cock, and his tip kissed Wilkie’s hole

It plunged inside, a hard thrust that stretched Wilkie and filled him up so thoroughly, his cock jerked, his hole squeezing. Wilkie cried out.

King hauled Wilkie against his chest. His cock thrust in all the way, so deep that Wilkie forgot to breathe.

“Tell me,” King rasped, his cock ravaging Wilkie inside. “Tell me right now if you don’t want a baby.”

“I want it,” Wilkie whimpered. “Please, please—”

King plowed deep, shoving Wilkie forward with the force of it. Then he pulled out and fucked back in, so hard that bliss jolted between Wilkie’s legs. Wilkie’s spine arched. And King built a fierce rhythm, pumping into him, his cock stretching Wilkie, claiming him, so heavy and demanding that Wilkie pushed himself onto his alpha, begging for more, begging for his alpha to ruin him.

King roared, anchoring Wilkie to himself like Wilkie weighed nothing. And he increased the speed of his thrusts, their hips slapping together, his cock pounding so hard into Wilkie that Wilkie’s balls pulled tight and his cock ached, on the verge of another orgasm.

“Gonna give you a baby,” King rasped. And he slammed in hard with a final roar, his cock pumping jet after jet of come into Wilkie’s body, filling him up inside.

Pleasure crashed over Wilkie, waves upon glorious waves that rocked through his body. His breath punched out of him, his toes curled, his thoughts wiped blank. And all he could feel was King inside him, King around him, King owning every fiber of his being.

When he could think again, he found King undoing the ropes around his body. They left pink lines on his skin, lines that said, Mine.

Wilkie smiled, pressing his face against the mattress. “Thank you, Daddy.”

King huffed and kissed his jaw. His knot had begun to swell inside Wilkie, heavy like a promise. “You really want that baby, huh? It’s not just your heat talking?”

Wilkie flushed. “I do. I’ve thought about it.” He swallowed, his throat raw from all his screaming the entire week. “I really like spending time with Paula. And I figured… maybe she’d like having a sibling to grow up with. I know I like having siblings.”

King smiled and ruffled his hair. “Even with all the diaper changes and lack of sleep?”

Wilkie nodded, snuggling against King’s sweaty chest. “Even then.” He paused, before adding, “I know you’ll help if I need it.”

King’s smile grew. “I will. I’m glad you know that.”

He moved the last of the ropes away, wrapping his bare body around Wilkie’s. They were on their sides now, King’s fingers tangling with his own. Then King leaned in, kissing up Wilkie’s neck, all the way to his ear. At Wilkie’s earlobe, he took the earring into his mouth—the one that said King’s. It matched the piercing at the end of King’s cock, now buried deep in Wilkie’s body.

“Love you,” King whispered, kissing Wilkie again.

Wilkie tingled everywhere. He couldn’t help smiling. “Love you, too.”

Slowly, the incessant yearning of his heat began to fade, a sensation that—now that Wilkie was looking out for it—felt like a ringing truth. That his body had accepted his alpha’s seed. And that a new life was blossoming inside him.

Unlike his previous pregnancy, this one felt a lot better, a lot more welcome. Wilkie pulled King’s hand onto his belly. “I think my heat’s fading.”

“Yeah?” King leaned closer to meet Wilkie’s eyes, his gaze warm. “You’ve taken my seed?”

Wilkie nodded. “I think we have a new one in here.”

King laughed and nuzzled him, hugging Wilkie even tighter. “Mine,” he whispered. “Best thing that ever happened to me.”

Wilkie smiled and let King pull him into a kiss—the first of many more that would follow.

If you haven’t read Boss Daddy’s Knots, grab it here!
