October 5, 2024

Weight of Everything – Bonus Chapter

Weight of Everything bonus scene cover

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[this takes place before the epilogue]

Ulric woke blearily, feeling like he’d been run over by several heavy cheese wheels. Cheese… wheels? Where had that thought come from, anyway?

He turned and found Gage watching him⁠—that was where it had come from. A couple hours ago, Gage had woken him up by sleep-talking about cheese wheels. On his barbell or something. It wasn’t Ulric’s preferred use of cheese, but he smiled at the thought of Gage lifting parmesan weights in the exercise room.

“What’re you smiling about?” Gage snuggled closer, kissing Ulric’s knuckles.

“You. And your cheese. Do you remember what you dreamed about?”

Gage shook his head, giving Ulric a warm smile that went all the way to his toes. “Aside from you?”

Ulric huffed, and then winced when his stitches pulled. “Ow. Don’t make me laugh, it hurts.”

“Sorry.” Gage rolled closer, wincing himself.

Since they’d gotten home, they’d taken to wearing loose shorts⁠—the incisions from the c-sections were still new, and Ulric hurt whenever he did anything. The pain was absolutely worth the bundles of joy in the cot next to their bed, though.

For the past few nights, Sage and Florin had taken turns to wake up, demanding to be fed. Gage and Ulric had alternated their feeding duties, gingerly rolling out of bed to prepare formula for their babies.

Looking at the sprawling nest of things around their temporary bed⁠—baby formula, milk bottles, diapers, along with an electric kettle and some drinking water⁠—Ulric was glad that Gage’s mom had suggested they bring everything within reach. With his abdomen hurting like it was, and with all the interrupted sleep he’d been getting, he couldn’t imagine rooting around the house, or climbing the stairs to look for fresh clothes.

So what if their temporary bed was right in the middle of the living room? It meant that they were closer to the kitchen, and that Gage’s mom didn’t have to go far whenever she visited to check on them.

Sage began to make soft little noises⁠—it sounded like he was hungry, or maybe he needed a diaper change.

“I’ll do it,” Gage said, preparing to get off the bed. He looked tired, too.

Ulric grabbed his arm. “It’s my turn. You’re supposed to be resting.”

Gage grinned. “I can do it, babe.”

Ulric glowered. “No. Stay down and rest.”

Gage laughed. Then he shoved his hand against his stitches. “Damnit, ow. Stop being sexy.”

Ulric rolled his eyes. In the years they’d been together, he’d come to discover that Gage appreciated whenever Ulric was assertive. But this was just Ulric insisting that Gage rest, because he wanted Gage to heal.

“Fine, I’ll rest.” Gage flopped back against the mattress. “But I’ll recover faster than you, and then I’ll make you rest all the time.”

Ulric scowled. “No, you won’t.”

Gage smiled like he had secret plans. Ulric elbowed him gently in the side.

Truthfully, this wasn’t their first downtime. They’d each had an open-body surgery to implant the uteruses⁠—that had been the first time Ulric had experienced this pain.

They’d managed to get uninterrupted sleep the first time, though.

He rolled onto his side; Gage helped to support him from behind. Then Ulric slid his legs off the bed and got slowly to his feet, making sure not to pull too hard on his stitches.

He hurried to the cot. Florin was sound asleep. Sage looked at him with those huge, beautiful eyes, and made those sounds again. Both of them were so adorable; Ulric couldn’t help smiling. He checked on Sage⁠—no diaper change yet. Going by Gage’s notes on the chart next to the crib, Sage had been fed four hours ago. He was probably hungry now.

Ulric lifted Sage out of the cot and cuddled with him for a while, before handing him over to Gage. Gage’s entire face lit up; he swaddled Sage back up and lifted him high, then brought him back down⁠—like some sort of a kiddy ride.

“Are you doing a bench press with him?” Ulric asked.

Gage paused. “You know, that didn’t occur to me. But I think I might be, yeah.”

“You and your exercise.” Ulric grinned. “I can just imagine you tying tiny baby hammocks to your barbell and then doing bench presses with them both.”

“Depending on how sturdy I can make those, that might not be a bad idea.” Gage looked like he was seriously considering it.

Ulric wasn’t sure if he found that funnier, or if the image of Gage with a cheese wheels-barbell was. He grabbed the electric kettle, made sure the water was the right temperature, and then shook up a bottle of milk for their son.

When it was ready, Ulric returned to the bed, sitting upright this time. Sage was suckling on Gage’s finger⁠—Ulric wondered if Sage felt a little betrayed that fingers didn’t give him milk like bottles did. He took Sage and the bottle from his alpha, holding their son close.

While Ulric fed Sage, Gage shuffled up onto the pillows with them, wincing a little. Ulric scowled. “Get back down.”

Gage grinned. “You’re not making it any easier, babe. You are the reward for me misbehaving.”

Ulric wasn’t sure how else he was supposed to get Gage to rest. “What if you lie down, and I give you a handjob?”

“Hm. Nah.” Gage slid his arm around Ulric’s shoulders, leaning in. “Ow, it hurts no matter where I try to kiss you.”

“That’s because you’re supposed to rest.”

“Giving me cheek, Muffin?” Gage thought back on his words. “Or both cheeks?”

Ulric snorted, and then his abdomen hurt. “Stop it.”

Gage stroked Ulric’s belly. “Hard to. I love seeing you smile.”

Ulric didn’t know how to answer. So he watched Sage drink from the bottle, tiny bubbles rising through the milk. Sage smelled like sweet baby scent, he smelled like Gage and Ulric, and Ulric felt the greatest sense of peace, with his family all around him.

Gage crowded close, hugging them both. “I can’t wait for this to heal,” he murmured. “And I also can’t wait to get some proper sleep. Then I’ll mark you everywhere.”

“You can already mark me everywhere right now.” Ulric grinned.

“Not the same.” Gage matched his smile, stroking Sage’s cheek. “They’re both so beautiful. We did great, babe.”

Ulric’s heart swelled. Gage kissed him again. When Sage was done with his milk, Ulric burped him. Gage cuddled them⁠—all the way until Sage needed a diaper change. Ulric cleaned him up; they waited until Sage had fallen back asleep, before Ulric set him back in the cot with Florin.

Finally, Ulric returned to the bed, his belly hurting from the exertion.

“Feel okay?” Gage asked, snuggling close.

Ulric blew out his discomfort. “I’ll be fine.”

Except Gage frowned. “That’s it, you’re off-duty.”

Ulric scowled. “I’m really fine, Gage. We’re supposed to walk around a little so we can heal faster, right?”

“You can walk around when you’ve stopped hurting so much.” Gage looked pointedly at him. “Give it an hour or two.”


Gage leaned in and kissed him on the mouth, and Ulric’s thoughts fluttered away. “You’ll have to remember to take care of you, too,” Gage whispered. “It’s not good enough that you’re okay with all this.” He stroked Ulric’s heavy thighs. “When your body needs rest, you let it rest.”

Ulric bit his lip. Gage had noticed. Ulric was okay with the way he looked, but being okay with it, and going out of his way to treat his body nicely⁠—there was a difference. It was a leap that he hadn’t made yet.

“Think about it,” Gage murmured. He tugged on Ulric’s milk-damp shirt. “Here, let me get this off.”

“It won’t stay clean for long,” Ulric mumbled. “I may as well keep wearing it.”

“You’re off-duty. I want you to feel comfortable.” Gage reached for a clean shirt to the side, dropping it in Ulric’s lap. Then he unbuttoned Ulric’s sleep shirt, peeling it off his shoulders. Gage rumbled. “Oh, yeah. There’s another reason I want your shirt off.”

Gage’s gaze coasted down Ulric’s chest; Ulric’s breath left his lungs. He wasn’t exactly in the mood for sex, but the way Gage looked at him⁠—it made him feel… desired. Worthy. Despite all his curves, despite how his belly was still round.

“I still look pregnant,” Ulric said. Over the last few months, he’d grown the heaviest he’d ever been.

“You look like you’re my alpha,” Gage growled. Gage didn’t have much definition on his abs, either, but Ulric knew Gage would get his sculpted body back sooner than later. Gage didn’t look at himself, though. He pressed Ulric back against the pillows and kissed him deeper, sliding into his mouth.

Pleasure whispered through Ulric’s veins; Gage stroked his sides, leaving tingles wherever he touched. Then he cupped Ulric through his shorts and squeezed, and Ulric felt his alpha’s touch right between his legs.

“We aren’t supposed to,” Ulric said.

“I didn’t say I’m going in.” Gage huffed, his breath warm on Ulric’s cheek. “Just wanted to help you let off some steam.”

“Aren’t you hurting, too?”

“A little.” Gage grimaced. “But it’s worth it to touch you.”

Ulric frowned. That wasn’t right. “Lie back and rest, Gage Frost.”

“Damn, babe.”

Gage was about to kiss Ulric again, when another sound came from the bedside cot. This time, it was Florin. Both of them looked over. Florin had woken up, squirming in his swaddle.

Gage shook his head wistfully. “We’re going to need some luck if we ever want to fool around again, huh?”

“Or even sleep properly again.” Ulric laughed. And then his belly hurt. “Shoo, Gage. Seriously. Stop making me laugh.”

Gage smiled and trailed his wrist over Ulric’s belly. Then, with a groan, he shuffled off the bed, getting gingerly to his feet.

It was just the first week of their recovery, but Ulric couldn’t wait to share the rest of his life with his alpha. And the next few weeks seemed like a wonderful start.


Six weeks in, Ulric felt like a zombie dragging himself around.

They trudged into the grocery store, cool air sweeping over them. Next to him, with Florin strapped into a child harness against his chest, Gage looked just as worn out.

“Regretting this yet?” Gage joked, his lips pulling into a wry smile.

“Nah.” Ulric brushed his wrist against Sage. Aside from the doctor’s office, this was the only other place they’d visited since the birth. At least his c-section wound didn’t hurt so much anymore.

Despite his fatigue, though, Ulric still felt a little self-conscious. His pregnancy belly hadn’t receded by much. He’d seen post-partum pictures on the internet. Hell, Gage had already been working out to lose some of his pregnancy weight. Next to all these people at the store…

Gage leaned in. “You’re perfect. All of us think so.”

That brought a smile to Ulric’s lips. Over the past weeks, Sage and Florin had learned to recognize Gage and Ulric’s faces. Sage cooed whenever Ulric stepped into a room, and Florin’s eyes lit up.

In their own ways, they were telling Ulric that he mattered. With the boys’ acceptance, Ulric was starting to believe what Gage saw in him, a little more.

He straightened his shoulders, feeling a bit more confident in himself.

They were almost at the fruit section when a neon SALE banner caught Gage’s eye. It hung above the deli section, right over a display table⁠—empty save for one large wheel of cheese and a sign.

Gage’s eyes lit up, his entire body tensing. This was the most awake Ulric had seen him in a while. “You want that?” Ulric asked.

Gage all but dragged him over. “A whole wheel? Is that even for sale?”

It was. The deli staff had stuck a price tag on it, and next to the cheese was a sign: This is all our remaining stock, sorry!

Closer to the table, Gage paused, looking hesitant. A trio of men had stopped on the other side of the table, also staring at the cheese wheel.

Ulric recognized them. The alphas, Harris and Valen, were firefighters who attended Dom and Jesse’s team barbecues. Their omega, Sam, was the chef at a drive-in ramen place. The three of them stared at the cheese wheel, and then at Gage and Ulric.

It seemed that they all came to the same conclusion at the same time.

Tense seconds ticked by.

“I can go without,” Sam said, turning away. “It took us long enough to finish that last one.”

Valen, his younger alpha, caught his hand. “But that’s your favorite.”

“We’re not buying it,” Gage blurted. “You guys go ahead.”

After he’d gotten so excited over the cheese wheel… that didn’t seem right. “Are you sure?” Ulric frowned. “You really like parmesan.” Gage had been talking about having guests sprinkle cheese on them as they walked down the wedding aisle.

“I’ve never had this huge a thing of parm before,” Gage muttered. He glanced at the price tag again.

At nine hundred dollars, Ulric knew the only time Gage spent that much willingly, was when he’d deliberated for a whole year over which gym upgrade he needed the most. And Gage had refused to let Ulric buy them all for him⁠—Gage didn’t want to be spoiled.

Ulric really wanted to spoil him, though. “You’ve finished the wedges I got you last month. This wouldn’t take you long, right?”

“It’s⁠—” Gage glanced at the price tag “⁠—seventy-two pounds, babe. That’s half the weight of a small adult.”

And it was imported from Italy⁠—actual Parmigiano-Reggiano, instead of regular parmesan cheese. Last year, before they’d gotten pregnant, Ulric had bought some of that expensive coffee that Gage liked. Gage had been over the moon.

Harris, the older of Sam’s alphas, cleared his throat. “How about we split the cheese?” he suggested. “Fifty-fifty. I’m sure the deli wouldn’t mind dividing it for us.”

“Deal,” Ulric said.

Sam squawked. Gage scowled and smacked Ulric’s ass, even though his mouth had curved into a tiny smile. “You bastard, Ulric.”

“I love you,” Ulric said, his heart skipping. “I just wanted you to be happy.”

Gage rolled his eyes. “I’m already happy.”

Then he leaned in and kissed Ulric on the mouth, right there in the store. Ulric tingled all over. No matter how many times Gage had kissed him in public, Ulric still wasn’t used to it. Gage fingered the ring on Ulric’s hand, smiling against his lips.

“So glad you’re mine,” Gage whispered.

Ulric’s heart tumbled. “Not right here.”

“Especially right here,” Gage growled. “Mine, babe.”

He was about to kiss Ulric again, except Valen coughed lightly and stepped over, grabbing the cheese wheel. “I’ll get this to the deli counter,” Valen said. “You guys just had surgery not too long ago, right?”

Gage kissed Ulric and looked over. “Yeah, thanks. It’s Ulric’s second time to the grocery store, actually.”

“Congrats!” Sam approached them to fawn over Sage and Florin. “They’re so beautiful!”

Ulric couldn’t help the pride surging through his chest. “They really are.”

It didn’t take long for the deli to divide the cheese wheel. Gage wandered around the grocery store with Ulric, clicking his tongue at the boys. Then he grinned when they smiled.

“I love their little smiles,” Gage rumbled. “So adorable. Do you remember when they’ll start laughing?”

“Four months, I think.” Ulric brushed his wrist over Sage’s back. “I can’t wait.”

“Me, neither.”

They got the groceries they needed, and then a little extra just in case. Gage grunted as he heaved the half-wheel of cheese into the car trunk. “Wow, I’m out of shape.”

“Does that mean you’ll be doing bench presses with these guys?” Ulric teased, handing him the rest of the bags.

“I’ve been looking into it, babe.” Gage grinned. “I found some steel barbell attachments. They seem sturdy enough to hold a couple of small hammocks. I’ll have to test them.”

“What about actual cheese wheels? Will you attach those, too?”

Gage raised his eyebrows. “You’re really serious about that, huh?”

Ulric nudged him. “You started it!”

Since that first night, Gage had mentioned cheese wheels on his barbells a couple more times. “You know how they say dreams stem from your subconscious?” Ulric added. “I think maybe you secretly want to live in a giant cheese wheel.”

“Might not be a bad idea.” Gage grinned. “We’ll have the cheesiest happily-ever-after, babe.”

Maybe Ulric could be convinced of that.

Especially if Gage did his bench presses naked.

It was when they’d gotten home, both boys tucked into their cot, that Gage pulled Ulric toward the bed. Then he shoved Ulric onto the mattress and climbed on top of him, and his weight was glorious on Ulric, all warm and solid.

Ulric sighed, leaning back against the pillows. He wanted to fall asleep like this.

“Thanks for getting me that parm,” Gage murmured. “You know you didn’t have to.”

Ulric laughed⁠—he was glad it didn’t make his belly hurt anymore. “I figured you’d appreciate it.”

“I appreciate you.” Gage nuzzled him and meshed their lips together, kissing him thoroughly. Ulric groaned into the kiss.

Despite the late nights and spotty sleep, any time he spent with Gage was good. Ulric loved when Gage touched him, when Gage kissed him and marked him all over. They’d had a couple of handjobs so far, but most days, they ended up falling asleep before either of them could find release.

Right now, he wasn’t sure he could stay awake, either. The bed was just so comfortable. “Come nap with me,” Ulric said, wrapping his arms around Gage. Their bellies bumped.

Gage’s attempts at losing weight were a lot more successful than Ulric’s had ever been. Granted, Gage needed to get back into his ‘personal trainer shape’, now that he’d started working part time at the gym.

“Still worried about your belly?” Gage murmured, trailing his wrists down Ulric’s abdomen. Most mornings, he kissed the scar and nuzzled Ulric there. “You’re amazing, babe. And I kind of want a bath with you.”

From the look in his eyes, it wouldn’t be an ordinary bath, either. Ulric laughed. “Maybe after a nap.”

He did want to feel desired, though. And he wanted Gage to mark him properly, like he’d promised to weeks ago.

Gage slid off his body, pressing himself snug against Ulric’s back. Ulric hesitated. Then he hooked his thumb into his waistband, hitching it down a little. Just enough to show Gage his ass. “There, both cheeks.”

Gage laughed and growled, pushing his hand down Ulric’s pants. “Fuck, babe. Don’t show me that if you don’t want me all over you.”

He squeezed Ulric’s cheeks and massaged them, spreading them apart. His touch sent tingles through Ulric’s body; Ulric bit down his groan. He was exhausted. But he wouldn’t say no to pleasure, either.

Gage slipped his fingers between Ulric’s cheeks, stroking him there, back and forth, not venturing deeper. In fact, he teased Ulric for so long that Ulric growled, glancing over his shoulder. “Are you gonna, or not?”

His alpha smiled wider. “I was just waiting for you to ask.”

Gage grabbed the long-forgotten bottle of lube off the nightstand, popping its lid open. When he next touched Ulric, his fingertips were cool and slippery, and they went straight to Ulric’s hole. Ulric’s breath snagged in his throat.

“I haven’t been here in weeks.” Gage massaged him there, slow, purposeful strokes that brushed all the nerve endings at Ulric’s hole. “Think it remembers me?”

Ulric’s throat went dry. He leaned forward a little, giving Gage better access. “No.”

Gage’s growl turned dangerous. “Yeah? Does it need a good reminder?”

And he grabbed Ulric’s pants, yanking them down his thighs. A thrill shot up Ulric’s spine. “Are you sure it’ll be a good enough reminder?” Ulric hissed, his cock growing hard. “You might be too tired to.”

Gage’s eyes darkened; he pushed his fingers back between Ulric’s cheeks, grinding against his hole. “I’m all awake now, babe. Looks like someone needs a good, hard claiming to remember.”

Oh. Ulric couldn’t fathom where Gage was getting his energy from. Maybe he just needed to be challenged. And Ulric had gotten pretty damn good at challenging him. “Prove it, Gage. It’s not yours until you claim⁠—”

Gage pushed two fingers in without warning, a smooth, deep slide that stole the breath from Ulric’s lungs. Then he pulled them out and pushed them back in, spearing Ulric open again. “This is just the start, babe,” Gage growled, leaning in, sniffing at Ulric’s neck. And his fingers swirled around inside, an intimate pressure that made Ulric’s cock thicken.

Gage reached between Ulric’s legs, grasping his cock. His hot grip went down to Ulric’s balls; pleasure whispered through his veins. And Gage stroked him base to tip, grinding his thumb against the sensitive spot beneath his head. Ulric jerked; Gage angled his cock down, trapping it with his pants so it strained, its tip dripping.

“Thought you were gonna fall asleep,” Ulric breathed, need chasing away his fatigue. Right now, he wanted Gage more than he wanted to sleep⁠—he didn’t think he could doze off, not with Gage’s cock pushing hard against his thigh.

“I want to claim you properly.” Gage’s voice had turned husky; he scissored his fingers, stretching Ulric further. Cool air slipped into Ulric’s hole. “This right here, it’s all gonna be mine, babe. You’ll take my knot.”

Ulric’s hole squeezed. Gage swore, and Ulric suddenly wanted more from his alpha. He turned, shoving Gage’s fingers out of him. Gage’s eyes flashed. And he crammed his fingers back between Ulric’s cheeks, plunging them back into Ulric’s hole.

“This is how I’ll fuck you, babe,” Gage murmured, thrusting his fingers deeper. “Open you up for me. All the way.”

Ulric grew hot inside. He knocked Gage’s hand away and turned, and he found Gage’s lips pulled into a savage smile, his eyes all lit up. So Ulric pummeled his alpha into the bed, shoving his bare cock against Gage’s bulge, grinding them together. “Maybe I’ll win this time.”

“No, you won’t,” Gage whispered. And he heaved Ulric off, he slammed Ulric hard against the mattress, and he grabbed Ulric’s knees, pulling them up, exposing Ulric’s hole to his cock.

There wasn’t any warning this time; Gage yanked his own cock out, pushing his blunt tip between Ulric’s cheeks⁠—it had been so long. And that thick, slippery pressure was so welcome against his hole. Ulric groaned.

“Yeah, make that sound again,” Gage whispered, rolling his hips, his cock kissing Ulric’s hole.

Ulric grabbed the bottle of lube and threw it at him; Gage caught it. Then he leaned back, he crammed the bottle’s tip against Ulric’s hole. Cool liquid filled him up inside.

That had been a lot of lube. Looking at Gage’s face, Gage knew it, too. He wasn’t going easy this first time. Ulric throbbed.

He yanked off his own pants so he could move around the bed if he wanted to. Except Gage grasped Ulric’s knees and pinned them open wide, and he snapped his hips, his cock sliding sweetly all along Ulric’s crack. “Babe,” Gage growled. “You’re so damn hot, I don’t think I can hold it in for long.”

“Try it,” Ulric growled. Then he struggled, trying to get Gage off himself. He wanted to see Gage fight back.

Gage snarled and pummeled Ulric back into the bed, and he thrust hard, his tip pushing against Ulric’s entrance, forcing him open.

He sank into Ulric, half his cock at once, so thick that Ulric forgot to breathe. “That’s not enough of a claim,” Ulric spat.

Gage’s eyes darkened; he tightened his grip on Ulric’s knees. “Yeah? How about this?”

Then he pulled out almost all the way, leaving his tip inside. And he slammed his cock back in, every single inch. Pleasure jolted through Ulric. He arched clean off the bed, panting for breath, trying to deal with his alpha inside him all at once.

Gage didn’t give him time to breathe. He began a hard rhythm, deep and forceful, his cock sliding so sweetly that sounds escaped Ulric’s throat and he couldn’t think. Ulric writhed; he shoved at Gage.

Gage bore down harder on him, cramming every inch of that cock inside. Ulric pumped his own cock, panting, his balls pulling tight. He hadn’t been claimed in such a long time⁠—every nerve had come alive, and all he could see was Gage above him, pleasure scrawled through his face, all he could feel was Gage inside him, his cock surging hungrily, touching Ulric in the most intimate places.

“I’m gonna come inside you, and I’m gonna mark you with it,” Gage snarled, pounding into Ulric, so violently that Ulric’s body sang and his cock pulsed, and he couldn’t breathe.

Then he hit that one sensitive spot, and Ulric shuddered, his entire body tensing, right at the edge. “Gage⁠—”

“Mine,” Gage growled. “Come for me.”

And he plowed deep into Ulric, ripping pleasure through Ulric’s body in a bright-white wave. Gage clapped his hand over Ulric’s mouth; Ulric snarled and came, his body wringing tight with pleasure, his eyes rolling back in his head.

“Fuck,” Gage hissed. He leaned in, his strokes growing feverish, his entire body trembling as he snapped his hips, trying to bury himself deeper. Then he bit hard into Ulric’s shoulder and thrust in a final time, and his warmth flooded Ulric inside, marking him everywhere.

Before he collapsed, Gage was already dragging his wrists down Ulric’s sides, pulling them closer, dropping sloppy kisses all over Ulric’s face. “Always so amazing, babe,” Gage murmured, kissing him softly on the lips.

Ulric sighed as Gage’s knot began to swell inside him, Gage’s scent all over his body. All of this felt good⁠—the tension and need, the pleasure, and then the release that shook him, leaving him a boneless mess.

He was now twice as exhausted as he’d been before, but it was a good sort of exhaustion. Especially when Gage rearranged himself so he spooned Ulric once more, sliding back in, making sure his knot locked their bodies together.

“You’re so much more than I⁠—” Ulric paused, thinking about it. Gage wouldn’t want him to say it.

“More than you…?” Gage’s pointed stare tickled his back.

Ulric looked down at Gage’s arms wrapped snugly around him. “I was going to say ‘deserve’⁠—”

“You deserve all the good things in the world,” Gage growled.

Ulric cracked a smile. “Yeah, I knew you were going to say that.” And maybe… it was okay to deserve all the good things. Maybe it was okay to take some time off and do something he liked. To let his body heal. This intimacy with Gage⁠—it was self-care, too, right?

“So I should change it,” Ulric continued. “You’re so much more than I expected.”

Gage huffed, kissing his shoulder. “So are you.” He hugged Ulric tighter, tracing his wrist down Ulric’s front, lingering at Ulric’s belly. “Best Muffin in the world.”

“Imagine if you had that carved on my ring.” Ulric laughed.

Gage laughed along with him. “I’d thought about it, babe. Then I thought maybe I could write it on you. You know, with my cock.”

Ulric grinned. “I’ll hold you to that.”

Gage leaned up, meeting his eyes. “You really wanna?”

“Sure.” Ulric kissed him, his heart fluttering when Gage growled and kissed back. “Write it all over me. And whatever else you want.”

Gage looked contemplative. Then, excited. “Yeah, I can think of a million things to write on you.”

“There wouldn’t be space.” What would Gage write? From the look on his face, it would range from something sweet, to something hot, to something adorably silly. Maybe even a line with all three.

“I can always write over everything,” Gage answered, snuggling closer. Then he yawned, which made Ulric yawn. “But maybe after a nap.”

With the urgency of the past minutes fading away, Ulric was quickly drifting off, too. The exhaustion sank back into his bones. “Maybe,” he mumbled, snuggling into his alpha.

The boys slumbered in their crib, tired out from their trip outdoors. In his alpha’s arms, Ulric fell asleep, at peace with the world.

If you haven’t read Weight of Everything, grab it here!
