October 5, 2024

Emmy’s Wild Adventures – A Daddy for the Stowaway Omega bonus chapter

Bonus chapter cover

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Emmy’s Wild Adventures

Chapter 1: Christmas Eve

“I can’t believe we’re at Phoenix’s place for Christmas Eve,” Varrick said warily. He held Hunter’s swaddled form closer to himself as though that could protect their son from the legendary force of crazy he’d managed to avoid meeting so far.

“Phinny is amazing! You were supposed to meet him ages ago!” Emmy beamed. The iron gate swung open for them, and Varrick strode through next to him, having half a mind to shield Emmy with his own body.

It would be futile, of course.

Phoenix Blues—retired celebrity, Shaw’s employer—had enough power to squish Varrick like a bug under his thumb.

Emmy. He was doing this for Emmy.

Varrick’s only consolation was that Shaw was also there. Along with Phoenix’s alpha. And Murphy. The sane people.

He held his breath as the door opened. Phoenix’s younger alpha—and bodyguard—stood in the doorway. Blaze recognized Emmy first, then nodded at Varrick and let them through.

The mansion was vast with an open floor plan. At least, it was open on part of the first floor. Varrick glimpsed several doorways leading off from the main entrance, deciding that he wasn’t going to think too deeply about what this place contained.

“Emmy!” a gravelly voice said from the living room strewn with children’s toys. A little girl sat in the middle of it, clapping her hands. “I can’t believe it’s been this long.”

“Phinny!” Emmy flew across the room and pounced on an older omega.

Phoenix was blond with blue eyes, in his late forties, but he still had the looks that skyrocketed him to fame. Not his voice, though. He shot Varrick a crafty, appraising look that Varrick disliked immediately. “And this is your stuffy alpha?”

“The very stuffiest banana muffin.” Emmy laughed and pulled out of the hug, dragging Varrick over. “Say hi to Phinny!”

Varrick held his hand out. “Varrick Halstead. Nice to meet you.”

Phoenix snorted. “Phinny. I see what you mean, Emmy,” he said slyly. “Maybe you need to loosen him up a little.”

He gave Emmy a pointed look, then flicked his eyes at Varrick’s hips. Emmy gasped. “Do you mean his bouncy butt?”

“Yes!” Phoenix cackled. “You know what they say about sticks in asses. Take out the fucking stick.”

Varrick scowled. “I don’t have a stick in my ass.”

Phoenix waved dismissively. “That is Emmy’s case to investigate.”

“I’m an investigator!” Emmy lit up. He leaned in close to whisper at Varrick, “I will look at your majestic butt.”

Varrick sighed. “Fine.”

He’d already let Emmy investigate with a unicorn tail plug, but no one needed to know that.

Across the room, Shaw smirked at him.

Varrick breathed out and looked into Emmy’s bright eyes. Couldn’t say no to those.

Fuck it, he’d sit with Shaw and Murphy and their child. Shaw knew his plight.

“Anyway! Now that we are all here.” Phoenix clapped his hands. “We shall proceed with our evening plans. Blazy, bring out the Christmas Box.”

Ever so calmly, Blaze heaved out a large glittering present the size of a washing machine, and lifted the ribboned lid. Phoenix began pulling out bright green onesies with brown shins.

“These are trees,” Phoenix announced. “Tonight, we shall all become trees and sing Christmas carols.”

What the fuck, Varrick thought.

“Can my tree have tentacles?” Emmy gasped.

“Of course,” Phoenix said. “I made sure to acquire tentacles for you.”

He pulled out gloves with purple rubbery tentacles attached to the back of them, and Emmy squealed in delight.

“There’s two for each of us,” Emmy said, hurrying to Varrick. “You can have tentacles, and Hunter can have tentacles too! We will be alien trees.”

Some time later, everyone returned to the living room dressed as firs, adults and children both. The onesies had hoops in them like old-fashioned ballgowns, except the hoops made each of them look like a child’s Christmas tree drawings come to life.

“We look amazing,” Emmy proclaimed, cuddling Hunter—who was also wearing a tiny tree onesie. “Are we going to take pictures?”

“Yes!” Phoenix cackled. “Blazy will take photos of all of us. You will get to send your family photos to your friends.”

After the pictures were taken, Blaze handed out sheets of carols. The lyrics were nothing like what Varrick had seen before.

“These are wholesome tree carols,” Phoenix said. “I wrote them and we will sing them together while we hold hands and dance in a circle.”

Emmy lit up like he’d swallowed a thousand lightbulbs. Shaw sighed, and Murphy smiled. Blaze looked completely at peace with it.

As long as it makes Emmy happy, Varrick thought, his rubbery tentacles dangling from his hands. It was going to be worth it.


If Varrick were honest, the entire evening was bearable because Emmy laughed and smiled through all of it.

Dinner was good. Pot roast with tender potatoes and carrots, a chicken dumpling casserole, and buttery buns that were still warm from the oven.

Varrick had made sure Emmy had plenty of time to stuff his face. He’d rocked Hunter on his lap and barely participated in the dinner conversation, choosing instead to admire Hunter’s sweet little face.

They drove home with presents. What Phoenix had given them, Varrick didn’t want to know. He and Emmy would exchange gifts with Shaw and Murphy and the rest of their friends at a later date.

After they’d tucked Hunter into bed close to midnight, Emmy made Varrick push the couch all the way to the far end of the living room. They left the Christmas tree twinkling along with a small lamp on next to it, cuddled up on the couch, and tried to keep as still as possible in the shadows.

“I’m… falling asleep,” Varrick slurred.

Emmy jabbed him in the ribs. “If you fall asleep, you won’t see Santa!”

“We saw Kris’ reindeer and sleigh.”

“But only that.” Emmy rolled his eyes. “You were all ‘He could’ve brought them in from elsewhere’.”

“Because we didn’t see them fly.”

At least Emmy had enjoyed that meeting in Shaw’s backyard, bounding up to Kris and saying hi. Kris had been all scowls. That had surprised Varrick; Varrick had thought Santa would be all smiles all day, but nope.

“I know how to wake you up,” Emmy whispered. He pulled out Varrick’s phone and tapped on the screen. “I’m gonna send your friends the donut-fucking video!”

“Wait. What?”

“There!” Emmy grinned, and Varrick scrubbed his face.

“What did you do?”

“I sent them a video of your purple tentacle! Wait. I should warn Murphy not to look. Everyone else can look.”

Varrick blinked himself awake, trying to remember what video Emmy was talking about. “The one at the Wine Shack?”

“Yeah! With your waving love muscle stuck through the hole in the wall and me playing ring toss with it!”

“Oh, dear gods.”

“They’ll like it!”

“You’re the only one who likes my cock, Emmy. I’m sure everyone else would rather not see it.”

“Nope! Gardner saw it! He’s writing a reply.”

“Fuck.” Varrick took the phone from him.

Gardner: Let me guess. Emmy’s idea?

Otto: I think so. Unless it’s something Varrick saw in porn?

Ingle: Nah, I’ve never seen a donut ring toss in a glory hole in porn.

Varrick: Why are you all still awake?

Shaw: Babies.

With any luck, Hunter would sleep for a bit longer so they could catch some shut-eye.

There came a faint clattering, that Varrick thought he imagined. Except Emmy perked up, his eyes growing wide.

Emmy snatched the phone out of Varrick’s hands and locked it, shoving it under the blanket. “He’s here! Shh! Pretend to sleep! But keep your eyes cracked open.”

Emmy flattened his head on Varrick’s chest, going so still that Varrick could’ve nominated him for a TV award.

Varrick tried to keep his eyes cracked open a little. He heard it now—faint thumps on their roof. His heart pounded. It felt like there was going to be an intruder, and his adrenaline spiked.

He stared so hard at the fireplace that his eyes watered.

He saw a faint cloud of soot puffing out, first. Then black boots followed by an alpha in a red suit, too large to fit down the chimney.

Holy fuck!

How had he not gotten any calls for home intruders on Christmas mornings?

How was this even possible?

Santa straightened and found the tree. He reached into a sack and set a small blue box with the rest of the presents. Then he turned, and Varrick recognized that scowling face.

Emmy wriggled against Varrick. “See!” he whispered.

At the movement, Kris’ gaze snapped onto them.

“Hi Santa!” Emmy raised his head and wriggled his fingers. “It’s Emmy and the banana muffin! Merry Christmas! Say hi to your omega from us!”

“He’s not my—” Kris bit off those words. “Whatever. Good night.”

He crouched at the fireplace and reached up into it. And the chimney sucked his entire body up like a giant vacuum cleaner.

He was gone.

Footsteps on the roof, the clatter of hooves. Then there was no more sound.

Emmy beamed at Varrick. “Believe me now?”

Varrick rubbed his eyes. “Holy crap. Did that just happen?”

They got up from the couch, Emmy dragging Varrick over to the tree. He picked up the pale blue present that Kris had left, handing it over. “See, it doesn’t say who it’s from. That’s from the North Pole.”

“I should open it in case it’s dangerous,” Varrick muttered, still suspicious.

“You should! You haven’t gotten a present from Santa in a long time, huh?” Emmy hugged him around the waist.

Varrick carefully pried open the lid. Inside, wrapped in pale yellow tissue, was a miniature astrolabe the size of Emmy’s palm, all delicate and pretty.

Emmy sucked in a slow breath and spun the concentric rings around. “Ooooh, I love it! It’s like a present from the aliens!”

Varrick chuckled. “Sure. Why not.”

“Now that you know Santas exist, I think you’re gonna get a present next year, too!”

“Only if I’m good, right?”

“You’re a good alpha.” Emmy patted his chest. “A very good alpha.”


(Phinny’s present was a dick-shaped bidet that would squirt water from the tip. Emmy began using it a lot when Varrick was at work.)

Chapter 2: Emmy Has Fun With His Friends

“Today, we are going on a tentacle pilgrimage!” Emmy announced, bouncing excitedly.

Varrick sighed. It would be a much better trip if they didn’t have a tag-along.

“Which octopus do you think you’d be?” Barnacle asked Emmy at the entrance to the aquarium.

“None! I’m the sea urchin. But my banana muffin is going to be the biggest octopus we can find!” Emmy clung to Varrick’s side, rubbing his cheek against Varrick’s shoulder, before kissing Hunter, who was strapped to Varrick’s chest.

“Sounds good.” Barnacle beamed. “I think I’ll be that bright pink one.”


Emmy held on tight to Varrick’s hand, dragging him along as he and Barnacle made their way through the marine exhibits.

Varrick could understand Emmy’s fondness of all things undersea. It was like a whole different world beneath the water’s surface: creatures with several legs, octopuses that could camouflage at a moment’s notice, the anemone with their waving tentacles…

For someone who didn’t quite fit in with ordinary people, identifying as a sea creature helped make Emmy feel as though there was somewhere he belonged.

At first, I thought maybe I was an alien and someday a spaceship would come to take me home, but I like being a sea urchin more.

Does that have anything to do with you being a homeless street urchin? Varrick had asked.

Maybe, Emmy had said.

What about now? You’re not homeless anymore.

I still like being a sea urchin!

Emmy took so many selfies at the tank with the sea urchins. He pulled Varrick and Hunter in for pictures, too—Varrick begrudgingly admitted that Barnacle came in handy where taking family pictures were concerned. Especially when Emmy wanted them all to do several strange poses together.

Varrick would not put a total stranger through taking all those pictures.

They passed a few large octopuses. Emmy stopped Varrick next to one, and whispered to Hunter, “This is what your muffin papa is! A big octopus with wavy tentacles!”

He also said hi to every single sea creature, except for the jellyfish. Those, Emmy walked straight past and didn’t look at them at all.

It was when they were admiring some colorful starfish, that Emmy gasped.

“What?” Varrick asked.

“What about we name the next baby Starfish?” Emmy’s eyes were round and excited.

Varrick’s heart skipped a beat. He pulled Emmy close and kissed him on the lips. “You ready for another one, huh?”

Emmy nodded eagerly, dropping kisses on Hunter. “Yeah! Hunter needs more friends. Lots of friends!”

“Just one more to start with,” Varrick said wryly. “But instead of Starfish, what about we name the baby Star?”

Emmy beamed. He pulled out an almond muffin to share with Varrick, and gasped again. “And the next one can be Almond Muffin?”

“Al,” Varrick said. “That’s more flexible, anyway.”

“You’re the best!” Emmy bit lightly into his shoulder, and it made everything about this trip better.


Someone had left candy out in the open.

Varrick chased down Hunter—now two years old and very quick on his feet—through Gardner’s mansion, trying to avoid crashing into all the other alphas chasing after their own kids.

He narrowly avoided body-slamming Otto; Hunter tottered through the narrow gap between the side table and the couch, and Varrick had to take the long way around, only to skid to a halt as one of Gardner’s triplets darted out from behind the couch and almost tripped him.

“Who left the chocolate out?” Gardner growled, running after another triplet. Ingle scooped the last one into his arms, only to have the kid drop something into his pants that make him spasm and yelp.

“Fuck!” Ingle said.

“Fuck!” all the kids said.

“It’s ‘beaching stick rod mudsuckers’,” Varrick yelled over his shoulder.

“That is not very effective,” Otto muttered.

“I would offer up some corn cobs as sacrifice, but I don’t think that would work right now,” Drake—Wesley’s alpha, the farmer who worked in ghost-town Pimbly—said as he followed his dog Mrs. Wimble to the fireplace, where his daughter was trying to climb into the chimney.

“I wanna be Santa!” she cried.

“Maybe in the future,” Drake told her. “But now is not the time.”

If Varrick had a spare moment, he’d stop to appreciate that Drake had become part of his alpha friend group, because his omega Wesley was a Dumpster Omega too.

But right now, it was all they could do to contain the runaway kids. Six kids running from five alphas and a dog seemed to be proving too much, when everything was happening all at once.

Varrick could only hope that Emmy was having a good time with his friends.


“I hope my studly banana muffin is doing okay,” Emmy said as he linked arms with Murphy and Landon. The Dumpster Omegas were walking down every aisle of Tintos, armed with credit cards and a shopping cart. “He said everything would be fine, but remember the last time we let them have a sleepover?”

Landon chuckled. “You mean the time someone broke the huge jar of pickles and everything smelled like pickles for a week?”

“That’s not even the worst part! The worst part is when I found pickles stuffed into the toy bag.” Caulin groaned. “It’s such a waste.”

“At least your pickles were whole,” Murphy said. “I found bites of pickles that someone had spat out into the dirty clothes.”

“Mrs. Wimble had pickles in her dog bed!” Wesley rolled his eyes. “How does that even happen?”

“We found pickles in the car!” Emmy grinned. “Under the seats!”

“It’s almost like we were being haunted,” Caulin said.

Emmy gasped. “You know what we can do?”

“What?” his friends asked, with varying amounts of wariness.

“We can all go haunt our alphas! And Shaw is going to help us.” Emmy turned to pin Murphy’s alpha with a look. Shaw was trailing behind them, hands in his pockets. He’d left his and Murphy’s son at Phinny’s for the night.

“How?” Shaw asked. “Gardner has a security system in place. With video surveillance.”

Landon looked shifty. “I could… disable it. There’s an app on my phone.”

Emmy gasped. “That’s what we’re doing tonight then!”

“I wanted my beauty sleep,” Wesley grumbled.

“Well, you can stay home!” Emmy said.


That was how they found themselves sneaking through Gardner’s mansion at 2AM that night, all of them yawning. Landon had disabled the security system, and Shaw kept an eye out as they sneaked in through a side door into the darkened hallways.

The alphas and children were sleeping on air mattresses in the living room, and it looked like for once, no one was awake.

Mrs. Wimble came to investigate immediately, wagging her tail.

“You’re not a very good guard dog,” Wesley whispered.

“That’s why you get a guard-alpha,” Emmy whispered back.

They tried to sneak up the stairs as soundlessly as they could, but Shaw was heavy and didn’t walk so quietly.

“Shush your feet,” Emmy hissed at him.

Shaw sighed.

They got themselves to the second floor without waking anyone; the alphas must’ve been extremely tired.

“Now we stomp our feet,” Emmy said.

“You know they’re going to come investigate, right?” Shaw muttered dryly. “You don’t threaten a house full of alphas protecting their children.”

“We’re being harmless ghosts,” Emmy hissed at him.

“They won’t let you go until they’re sure you’re harmless.”

Well, jellyfish dicks. Emmy hadn’t thought that far ahead. “What if we sound like omegas?”

“They’ll investigate, but with less force,” Shaw said dryly.

“Oooh! I know! We sit in a circle and sing campfire songs! Who has a flashlight?”

Shaw ended up sitting with them because he’d look like less of a threat in the darkness if he were lower down on the floor.

Midway into the first campfire song, someone muttered downstairs. A light came on. More low voices.

“Shhh!” Emmy hurried back from the stairs. “Someone woke up! Now we gotta get out of here.”

Shaw sighed again.

“How?” Murphy asked. “They’ll be watching the doors.”

“We can climb out through a window!”

“Quiet,” Shaw said, and they all shut up.

“Who’s there?” Varrick growled up the stairs.

Emmy’s heart fluttered. Ah, his banana muffin was so studly. He signaled for his friends to crawl toward the first room with an open door.

Then the hallway lights came on, and Emmy hissed, “Run!”

He yanked Caulin and Landon to their feet; Wesley was dragging Murphy, and Shaw moved past them into the room. He’d gotten a window open, too, but grimaced when he looked down at the drop to the ground.

“Maybe we should hide in the closet,” Emmy whispered.

“Oh, gods, they’re going to find us,” Landon muttered. “And then I’ll get in trouble again.

Before they could do anything, someone kicked the door open. “Freeze!”

“Turn on the light,” Shaw said.

The light came on. Varrick stood in the doorway with his gun out, Gardner behind him. Both of them looked surprised. Varrick’s eye twitched; he lowered his gun. “What the hell, Emmy?”

“My husband muffin is so studly!” Emmy clutched his heart. “We were haunting you!”

Varrick opened and closed his mouth. “That was not a good haunting.”

“But you were surprised!”

“I could go without.” Varrick gave Shaw a dirty look. “Of course you were helping them.”

Shaw shrugged. “Of course.”

“C’mon, all of you. Get downstairs, right now,” Varrick grumbled.

“There will be punishment involved,” Gardner said.

Despite his earlier misgivings, Landon perked up. Wesley, too. Caulin was craning his neck to look for his alpha.

At the door, Varrick pulled Emmy roughly to the side, and smacked his ass. “Dicky,” he growled.

Emmy wriggled and buried his face in Varrick’s shoulder. “I missed being a ghost!”

“You know what naughty ghosts get, right?” Varrick murmured in his ear, his voice raking down Emmy’s spine.

“I get some sleep!”

Varrick snorted and dragged him in the opposite direction of everyone else. “Let’s see if you can sleep with a red bottom.”

“I will!” After all, he could always sleep on his stomach on top of his alpha. But first… they were going to have some tentacly fun.

Chapter 3: Emmy’s Heat

Emmy woke up with his entire body heavy and aching, his cock so hard that he had to reach down to squeeze it. “Banana muffin,” he croaked.

“Hmm?” Varrick turned, his eyelids fluttering.

“My hole is starving. It needs your tentacle now.” Emmy shook him. “I think I’m in heat.”

Varrick sucked in a deeper breath, blinking himself awake. “You—You’re in heat? Fuck, that’s a day early.”

“Put your love muscle into my hole!” Emmy turned to grind his ass against Varrick’s hip. “Now. Fill me with your alpha juices!”

Varrick huffed and gripped Emmy’s hip, biting him lightly on the shoulder. “Let me see if my dads can take Hunter early. Then I’ll come back and spend every minute fucking you into the bed.”

“Ooooh please.” Emmy whined. His everything hurt. His insides, his outsides. His teeth felt heavy and his hole ticklish, and slick kept leaking out of him. “Now.”

“I’m leaving before I go into a rut,” Varrick muttered. “Be back soon.”

He called his dads and put them on speaker, pulling his clothes on. Then he left their bedroom, and Emmy heard his amazing husband muffin throwing together some of Hunter’s things, waking Hunter up and dressing him and carrying him out of the house. The car started up and drove away.

Emmy shuffled over to Varrick’s side of the bed, grinding his stiff cock into the warm, juniper-scented sheets.

He rubbed himself and came twice, but it wasn’t all that great without his alpha inside him. So he rolled around in bed and writhed, and perked up when Varrick finally returned. “I’m still in the bedroom!”

“Putting some things away,” Varrick yelled back. “Like food.”

“We don’t need food!”

“We’ll need it between fucking.”

Emmy rubbed his chest and beamed. Marrying his alpha was the best thing he’d ever done in his life.

By the time Varrick strode through the bedroom door, he was shirtless, kicking off his pants. He threw a bulk box of condoms onto the bed.

Emmy scrambled to tear into it and rip a square open. “I got one for you.”


And now Varrick was all naked, strong and hard-muscled, pushing Emmy down onto the bed, his thick cock fitting between Emmy’s cheeks.

“How many days before we go without condoms?” Varrick growled, sucking Emmy’s earlobe into his mouth.

“Three.” Emmy didn’t think Varrick’s parents would mind watching Hunter all five days, but he didn’t want Hunter to overstay his welcome, either.

“Okay,” Varrick growled. “And after that, I’ll pump you full of my come, Dicky. Put another baby inside you.”

Emmy shuddered, his hips shoving up, his entire body pulsing. “Oh! Now! Please.”

Varrick flipped Emmy onto his back, pushing his legs open and pressing heavy, sucking kisses down his chest. He sucked on Emmy’s nipples and pushed his fingers into Emmy’s hole, hooking them against Emmy’s prostate. Emmy’s eyes rolled back.

“Give me your tentacle,” Emmy panted.

Varrick grinned, all sharp teeth, and bit into Emmy’s scent gland. Pain and pleasure shot down his spine; he gasped and arched, and Varrick kissed down Emmy’s abdomen, taking his cock into his mouth.

They’d gotten even better at sex through the years. Varrick knew how to draw out Emmy’s pleasure; he knew how to get Emmy off quickly. Today, he lapped around Emmy’s tip and sucked on it slowly, until Emmy pushed his fingers into Varrick’s hair, and yanked.

Varrick wheezed like he’d been punched in the gut. His entire body tensed, his pupils dilating completely, and his musk exploded through the air between them.

He was shoving Emmy down against the mattress the next moment, panting hard, palming his flushed cock. “Fuck, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this. It hurts.”

“Fill up my hole with your lightning love rod!” Emmy thrust the open condom square at him.

Varrick growled. He sucked on Emmy’s nipples more, until Emmy whined and dug his nails into his shoulders—and rolled on the condom.

He didn’t wait. He pushed apart Emmy’s legs and fitted his tip against Emmy’s hole, and slammed it all the way inside. Emmy screamed, his entire body singing. Varrick began to pound hard into him, his cock grinding against that one spot inside, over and over so Emmy’s toes curled and his balls pulled tight.

“So fucking pretty,” Varrick whispered, slapping their hips together. “Taking every single inch of my cock.”

“You wield your love sword so well,” Emmy panted. “It will conquer me with your love.”

“Always, Your Dickyness.”

Varrick pulled out and flipped Emmy onto all fours, shoving his shoulders flat against the bed. He pulled Emmy’s hips higher in the air, and Emmy reached back to spread himself, showing Varrick how needy and empty his hole was.

“Fuck,” Varrick hissed. His cock pushed back inside, stretching Emmy wide open, so Emmy’s eyes rolled back and he came.

“I want you stretched out for me,” Varrick whispered in his ear. “I want to fuck your hole open and make you scream. Make your cute little cock squirt for me, Dicky. I’m going to milk you dry with my cock. Fill you full with my come.”

He reached around, gripping Emmy’s cock in his fist. Emmy wheezed. The tightness of it made him shudder; pleasure arced through him like lightning, more so when Varrick fucked Emmy into his hand.

He kept Emmy pinned. Then his strokes grew harder, more uneven, and his cock thickened inside Emmy, right before he came with a roar.

“I want all my come inside you,” Varrick whispered, dropping sloppy kisses all over Emmy’s shoulder. “Want it dripping down your legs. Want it in your hair and on your chest. Marking you as mine.”

“So possessive.” Emmy’s heart swelled. “Do you want to show our friends? How much jizzy tentacle juice you fill me with.”

“Mmm fuck. I don’t know if they want to see it. But fuck, I want to show everybody. Show them how my cock keeps your hole stretched open. How it fills you up.”

His knot swelled, pressing perfectly against Emmy’s prostate, and Emmy’s eyes rolled back.

The next three days were going to be perfect.


By the fourth day, his hole was tender, and his heat had only gotten worse. “Now, now, now,” Emmy begged, rubbing his cock against Varrick’s chest as they sat on the couch. “I want your waving alpha sausage inside me!”

Varrick swore, pushing Emmy down onto his blunt tip. Emmy’s eyes rolled back as it stretched him open. His entire body had been blessed with Varrick’s come, except now they were fucking to impregnate him.

Varrick stood with his bare cock buried deep, bringing him to their bedroom. He plucked Emmy off his cock and threw him onto the bed. Then he pinned Emmy down, rubbing his wet length against Emmy’s abdomen. “Look, no condom.”

Emmy moaned and pulled his cheeks apart. “Inside. You have to bury it like the sword in that stone, it won’t ever come out. My sea urchin butt will swallow you and keep you forever.”

Varrick snorted. But he gripped his cock and slammed it deep, and Emmy’s eyes rolled back in a sudden orgasm. He screamed; Varrick continued to pound him into the bed, his lips hot against Emmy’s ear.

“I’m going to fill you up, Dicky. Gonna put my tip right against your womb and come straight in there. Fill you up with my come. You’re going to get round with my baby, my claim, Emmy, and I’m going to fill you up over and over with my come. Give you more and more babies.”

Emmy shuddered, lifting his hips to give Varrick more access. Varrick gripped his ass so tight that he’d leave more bruises, and fucked him so hard that his eyes rolled back. “More, more—”

Varrick gave him a series of hard thrusts that made his toes curl, hitting his prostate every single time. Emmy came and came again. He lost track of what everything was; all he knew was his alpha inside him, and the pleasure that Varrick kept fucking into his body.

“Take it all,” Varrick snarled as he came, burying his cock blissfully deep, jets of warmth filling Emmy up inside.

They panted together, Varrick rolling Emmy on top of him as his knot grew, and they cuddled.

“You definitely sure about another baby, huh?” Varrick murmured, brushing Emmy’s sweaty hair out of his eyes.

Emmy huffed. “Of course. I want more baby urchins to roll around with! And so do you!”

They’d coped well with Hunter. There were several sleepless nights, of course, but Hunter was worth it all.

When they’d begun having a better sleep schedule, Emmy had started working part time at the Wine Shack since Olson let him bring Hunter in during the quieter hours, but Emmy wasn’t sure he could go back when the next child came along. It wouldn’t always be like that, though. The kids would go to school at some point, and Emmy would be able to go back and work alongside his friends again.

“Get some sleep,” Varrick murmured, dropping a kiss on Emmy’s head. “If you’re still in heat after this, I’ll fill you up again.”

Emmy smiled against his shoulder. “You’re the best.”


“Oh,” the doctor at the prenatal clinic murmured, looking at the black-and-white blobs on the screen.

“What is it?” Varrick asked, worry shooting through his chest.

The doctor looked happy, though. “It looks like you’re having twins.”

Emmy gasped. Varrick met his gaze, his heart pounding. One baby had been a challenge, but two at the same time? It was going to be worse. “We need to get some sleep, stat,” Varrick said.

“Can we name them Urchin One and Urchin Two?” Emmy said.

Varrick laughed. “Really? After all the other names you came up with?”

“Hmm.” Emmy rubbed his chin, looking at the ultrasound wand on his belly. “What about Clamshell and Great White?”

“At this point, I’d really rather go back to the ones you came up with at the aquarium,” Varrick said dryly. “Star and Al.”

“Oooh! Starfish and Almond Muffin!”

The doctor seemed mildly perturbed, but she said nothing.

“On their birth certificates, they’ll be Star and Al,” Varrick said. “Like Hunter.”

“Hunter’s full name is Jellyfish Hunter,” Emmy whispered at the doctor, who nodded gamely. “To everyone else, he’s just Hunter. I guess he could also be a bad guy hunter!”

“‘Star’ and ‘Al’ would give them lots of options for later in life,” Varrick said. “If they ever want to tweak their names into something more specific.”

“Okay,” Emmy said. “I like that.”

Varrick helped him clean off the ultrasound gel, and Emmy shoved Varrick’s hand against his belly so he could feel them kick. It felt like a strong kick, too.

“I hope they’re not kicking each other,” Varrick said with a wince.

“They better not, or I’ll put them in timeout when they’re born,” Emmy growled.

“The amniotic fluid is enough to protect them from each other,” the doctor said.

“Well, good.” Varrick breathed out his relief.

“I want a lemon jello,” Emmy said suddenly. “But with pieces of fish and lettuce stuck inside it!”

Varrick grimaced. “Sounds terrible, but sure. Let’s make you that for lunch.”

“Maybe they will end up liking it when they’re born!” Emmy said.

“Gods, I imagine they could grow up eating that and thinking it’s normal food.” Varrick shuddered. Emmy’s eyes lit up; Varrick shook his head firmly. “No. Hell no. Maybe once in a while, as a treat,” he relented.

“We’ll see,” Emmy whispered at him as they left the clinic.


(Years later)

“And this is what I ate when I was pregnant with you!” Emmy said, setting down a plate with a large, wobbly mound of jello on it. Buried deep in the jello were cubes of fried fish, along with some frozen blueberries and lettuce stems.

All three kids stared at the clear yellow thing.

“You can’t be serious,” Star murmured. “Are we supposed to eat that?”

“I want it!” Al already had a spoon out. “Dibs on yours!”

Hunter looked undecided. “I guess I’ll taste it first.”

Varrick laughed and sliced up the yellow mound, dividing it onto five different plates. He hadn’t been a fan of it when Emmy first came up with the idea, but it was now a nostalgic memory that he didn’t mind sampling a bit of.

Emmy dug into his jello with great delight. Varrick ate some jello with blueberry—those bits went well together. It even went okay with the fish, because it was lemon. And the lettuce… it was… passable, because there was a crunch. But he didn’t have many other compliments for it.

“I love it!” Al stole Star’s portion; he’d already finished his own. Star made a disgusted face.

Hunter prodded at his jello and watched it wobble.

Emmy surveyed their children and beamed at Varrick. “I think we have the best urchin-muffins.”

Varrick laughed and pulled him closer, dropping a kiss on his forehead. “Yeah, we do. We have the best family.”

If you haven’t read A Daddy for the Stowaway Omega, grab it here!